Our Top Most Services Academic LMS Systems For Delhi

The education sector in the Indian subcontinent has grown by leaps and bounds. The turnaround in the education sector in India has largely come about because of the innovative technologies. Yes, technology has propelled the education vertical into a different league altogether. And, one of the tools that have contributed to the growth of this sector is the successful adoption of LMS software by the education industry, especially the higher education institutes. It is important for academic institutes to use an LMS to cater to the interests and needs of their students and faculties. Hence, if you are an educational institute based in and around Delhi, you need academic LMS systems for Delhi to keep up with the pace and trends of the sector. But with so many academic LMS systems for Delhi out there in the market, it is not easy to select the best for your institute. What you need to do is carefully weigh your options and get the most appropriate LMS for your institute.

However, when you have the option of eZnet LMS, you don’t have to worry about getting the best academic LMS for your institute in and around Delhi. A product of vStacks Infotech, eZnet LMS is widely being used by the institutes all over the world.

We have more than two decades of experience in the software industry, and we know what it takes to design an LMS that suits the requirements of an academic institute. Apart from India, we also have offices in the US, UK, and Dubai, which gives us an edge over others because we bring to the table international exposure.

eZnetLMS is a cloud-based application, which is an all-inclusive solution that can manage your entire workflow pretty efficiently.

What is an LMS?

An LMS or a learning management system is a software application that is used to deliver educational courses or training programs to a captive audience. It is a tool that allows you to create, organise, manage, deliver, and track eLearning courses to audiences both in and outside your campus or office.

What should you look for in an academic LMS system?

Just as corporate LMSs focuses on online training certifications, compliance, and other business initiatives, academic LMSs should also have some unique features that suit the educational institutes. And, some of these are:

  • Reporting and analytics
  • Customisation and personalisation
  • Assessment creator
  • Diverse delivery formats
  • Social learning integration

Why you need to select eZnet LMS for your academic institution?

We all know that the corporate world is actively embracing online training and benefitting from it. But of late, the trend has now percolated to the education vertical as well, especially the higher institutions. Here is why you need to select eZnet LMS as an academic LMS system for your institute in and around Delhi:

Robust reporting and analytics – It is important for you to select an LMS that allows you to monitor the online performance of the learners and gauge the effectiveness of your online curriculum. When you select eZnet LMS, you get robust reporting and analytics features. When you opt for eZnet LMS, you can also customise your reports.

Customisation and personalisation – It is also vital for your academic LMS to feature built-in personalisation tools which allow you to create personalised learning paths. Also, your academic LMS should be customizable so that you can change the user interface and layout to suit your requirements. And, that is exactly how we have built eZnet LMS. You get all the relevant personalisation tools, and you can also customise your LMS to suit your needs.

Assessment creator – You also need a built-in assessment creator so that you can design qualitative and quantitative exam for your learners, which help you to create relevant online training resources and track the progress of your learners. With eZnet LMS, you get all of this and many things more.

Diverse delivery formats – Many institutes follow the blended learning approach. The LMS you select should support a diverse range of delivery formats and instructional methods, whether it is learning technologies or face-to-face instructions. When you opt for eZnet LMS, you don’t have to worry about any of this because you can choose what you want.

Social learning integration – It is important for you to give your learners a chance to interact with their peers online to share their experiences and learn from each other. Hence, you need an LMS that allows social learning integration. And, that is what eZnet LMS allows your learners to do.

Some of the other features that eZnet LMS offers are self-registration or enrolment, built-in eLearning catalogues, attendance management, and eLearning feedback system.

Hence, if academic LMS is what you are looking for, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech for our product eZnet LMS.