Category Archives: Mobile Application

The Advantages of Mobile-Friendly LMS Design


In our rapidly evolving world, mobile devices have transcended their status as mere gadgets. They have become indispensable tools for our daily tasks, including learning. This is where the significance of a mobile-friendly learning management system (LMS) design comes to the fore.

This blog will explore the advantages of mobile-friendly LMS design and why it’s essential to contemporary learning.


The most notable advantage of mobile-friendly LMS design is its practicality. Learners can access the learning material at their convenience, regardless of their location, using their mobile devices. This means learners are no longer tethered to a desk to access the learning material. They can learn while queuing or during their daily commute. The practicality of mobile learning has made it a favoured choice among learners.


Mobile-friendly LMS design empowers learners by offering flexibility. They can choose when and where they want to learn, taking control of their learning journey. Learners can take short breaks during the day and use that time to access the learning material. This flexibility allows learners to fit learning into their busy schedules, giving them the power to manage their time effectively. They no longer need to set aside dedicated time for learning.

Increased Engagement

Mobile-friendly LMS design has the potential to increase learner engagement. The design can incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes, games, and videos, which make the learning experience more engaging. Learners are more likely to retain information when engaged in the learning process. Mobile devices provide a platform for delivering interactive content to enhance the learning experience.


Mobile-friendly LMS design can be a cost-effective solution for organisations. The design enables learners to access the learning material without the need for expensive hardware or software. Organisations can also save on training room rentals and instructor fees. Mobile learning can be delivered to a large number of learners simultaneously, thereby reducing the cost per learner.

Real-Time Learning

A mobile-friendly LMS design fosters a sense of community among learners. It allows them to access the learning material in real-time, keeping them updated on the latest information and developments in their field. The design can also incorporate social learning elements, such as discussion forums, fostering connections and interactions among learners. This sense of community enhances the learning experience, making learners feel more engaged and connected.

Customisable Learning

Mobile-friendly LMS design values each learner’s unique learning journey. It allows for customisable learning, where learners can choose the pace at which they want to learn and the topics they want to study. The design can also incorporate personalised learning paths catering to each learner’s needs and interests. This personalisation makes the learning experience more tailored and effective, making learners feel valued and catered to.

vStacks Infotech: Making Learning Effective

vStacks Infotech is a leading software development company offering innovative business solutions. One of their flagship offerings is a mobile-friendly LMS that enables learners to access learning materials anytime, anywhere, using their mobile devices. A customisable LMS, it offers convenience, flexibility, and increased engagement.

The advantages of mobile-friendly LMS design are numerous. It offers convenience, flexibility, increased engagement, cost-effectiveness, real-time learning, customisable learning, and better learning outcomes. By incorporating mobile-friendly LMS design into their learning programs, organisations can provide learners with a more effective and engaging learning experience. Mobile learning has become a popular choice for learners, and organisations that do not offer it may be disadvantaged. So, if you want to enjoy the benefits, contact vStacks Infotech today.

E-Learning App Development

Learning and teaching are no more the same as they used to be a few years back. A lot has changed in the learning and development vertical, especially after the advent of LMS. More and more companies, schools, and higher educational institutions are now opting for an LMS to impart quality education and training to a wide range of audiences. However, to make your eLearning course accessible to one and all, you need to ensure that your learners and trainers can access the content on the device of their choice. That is where an eLearning app comes into the picture. If you have an eLearning app, your trainers and learners can access the course on their mobile devices even outside the office or institution. But to make your eLearning app effective, you need to ensure you find a reliable eLearning app development company. Not all eLearning app development companies are the same. It is, therefore, crucial to select the best for your business/ institution.

An eLearning app helps connect students or employees with an institution or office through an LMS. With an eLearning app, you can deploy scheduled courses and tests per the assigned curricula.

Let us, therefore, take you through what you need to look for in a reliable eLearning app development company. But before getting there, let us try to understand the benefits of using an eLearning app.

Benefits of using an eLearning app

An eLearning app offers a lot of advantages, both to the learner as well as the teacher. here are some of the advantages of an eLearning app:

  1. It makes learning more interesting and engaging.
  2. It improves learner-teacher communication.
  3. It makes learning fun.
  4. Also, learners can access the course content from anywhere and at any time.
  5. It personalizes the learning experience.
  6. It makes access to information (read course content) quick and easy.
  7. It helps you save time and money.

What to look for in an eLearning app development company

Your eLearning app is an important tool. And, if you want your tool to give you the desired results, you need to make sure that you don’t compromise on its quality. To get a top-quality eLearning app, you need to ensure that you hire an app development carefully.

Here is a checklist that you must follow when you plan to engage an app development company:

Experience and expertise – The experience and expertise of the eLearning app development company would determine the quality of your app. Without the necessary experience and expertise, it is difficult to deliver on the quality. The company you hire should have prior experience in developing similar apps. Also, they should have skilled developers working on your project so that you get the best app for your organisation.

To get a reliable company for your business, do some research on the internet, visit their websites to find out more about them, and check out references.

Affordability – Pricing is crucial to businesses, both big and small. You, of course, cannot ignore your budget. However, when it comes to pricing, you need to understand that you cannot compromise on the quality. Mostly, inexperienced app developing companies offer low prices to attract new customers.

It is crucial to understand that it can become a futile exercise if you don’t get a high-quality eLearning app for your business. Hence, make sure that you don’t compromise quality over price.

Portfolio – It is crucial to go through the portfolio of the company you are planning to engage in developing your app. You need to know what they have done in the past to gauge what they can do for you. Don’t forget to check the user-interface, operationality, and features of the apps they have developed in the past to understand their work.

Portfolio assessment gives you a fair bit of idea whether their app development is easy to use and simple or not, and how they fare on the functionality front. Portfolio assessment is a crucial step in selecting the best company for your business; hence, never take it lightly.

Communication – It is crucial to understand that the company you plan to hire must communicate with you properly and effectively. You need to have a detailed discussion with the developer who is planning to work on your app. Unless the developer understands your business, it is difficult to develop a product that suits your requirements. Once the developer understands your business, only then can he or she develop the relevant features in your app.

Look for an established company or group – When you hire an established company, you can rest assured that they will remain in the market to provide you all the support even after the development of the app is complete. There are occasions when you need their support, especially when you need to upgrade your app, or when there are technical glitches. That is why hiring freelancers or newbies can prove to be a mistake.

Hence, make sure you hire a company that has a good standing in the market.

Timeline – It is important to hire a company that sticks to strict timelines. You cannot wait endlessly for the app to develop. You have different tasks to attend to, and that is why you need a responsible company.

Maintenance and upgrade – App development work might end once you launch your app, but there are other technical aspects that you need to consider. You need someone to maintain your app. You will also need someone if there are glitches in your app. Also, you might need to upgrade your app from time to time. Hence, ensure that the app development company you hire is ready to give you all the support when you need it the most.

If you are looking for a reliable eLearning app development company, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech. We have been in the software development business for more than twenty years, and we know what it takes to develop a functional, feature-rich, sustainable, and affordable app. We stick to the timeline we commit and offer the required maintenance and support to all our customers. Our apps are easy to use, intuitive, and user-friendly.

Why Your Business Needs A Mobile Application Services Company In Delhi NCR


Internet has changed the way we conduct our businesses these days, but the advent of smartphones has transformed our lives completely. It has brought the power of connectivity right into your hand. Businesses big and small all over the world are embracing mobile technology thick and fast to connect with their audiences quickly and conveniently. However, you need a mobile application services company for a powerful app, which is able to deliver your message properly.
According to Statista, the total number of mobile app downloads globally in 2016 was 149.3 billion, which is projected to go up to 352.9 billion in the year 2021. Need we say more about the relevance of mobile apps?
And, things are not any different in India as well. India ranks 5th in the global app usage market where a trillion hours were recorded in 2016.

What is a mobile app?

A software application, which is designed to run on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are known as mobile apps. They are normally made available to you through the app stores, which are run by the mobile operating system of different companies.

Why your business needs a mobile app?

The online revolution has changed the rules of the game for businesses, and smartphones and mobile apps have taken it a step further. You can now access, shop and order anything and everything from your phone. Whether you are in your bed, eating out at a restaurant, or moving in a train or a bus, you now have the power to shoot from your hand at your own sweet will.
No doubt, it has become more difficult and competitive than ever before to improve your customer’s experience and their levels of satisfaction. And, businesses are quick to realise this, and have taken to mobile apps to reach out to their consumers and improve their experience.

Why your business needs a mobile application services company in Delhi NCR?

There are several mobile application development companies in Delhi NCR. But, it is not all that easy to get a mobile application services company in Delhi NCR, which offers total mobility solution to your business. You have to be careful when it comes to selecting a mobile application services company in Delhi NCR.
After all, there is no point in hiring two or three individuals/ companies for one job – one for business analysis, other for developing the app, and the third for quality assurance and/ or maintenance support. But, when you hire a mobile application services company, you get end-to-end mobile solution, which means you get all the amenities under one roof.
These are the reasons why your business needs a mobile application services company:

They assess your business needs and create an app strategy for your organisation – A successful mobile app solution primarily rests on the following – understanding your business needs, app development tools, support services and app portfolio. In order to make your app business financially viable, you need to first have a clear cut app strategy.

They have experienced app designers – For your app strategy to be successful, you also need to have experienced and technically sound app designers, so that the app they develop are innovative and user friendly. Different mobile operating platforms have varied set of design requirements, and in order to make it work across platforms, you need experienced designers who are able to successfully reach out to your target audience.

They also have professional app developers –You also need skilled and professional app developers who can develop customised mobile app for your business. Whether you need a native app, or a hybrid app, they would develop it according to your requirement. Even if your requirement is cross platform mobile app development, it is not an issue with mobile application Services Company. When you hire a reputed mobile application services company, you can expect to get developers who develop ingenious mobile app for your business.

They would also be responsible for marketing your app – Without a sound app marketing plan, your mobile app business would not serve you much purpose. When you invest so much in the development of an app, then you would also want a good ROI on the amount you spend. For this to happen you need to market your app properly and a mobile application Services Company would do this efficiently for you.

They would be responsible for the maintenance and support of your app – The job of a mobile application services company would not end after the development of the app. After all, you would need constant support once the app is deployed. For a glitch free experience for you and your customers, you require regular support and maintenance from the company who is developing the app.

If you are planning to hire a mobile application services company in Delhi NCR, just get in touch with vStacks Infotech who have been in the business of app development since the time of its inception, which is 2008.

From strategic planning, providing mobile consultancy, UX/UI mobile designing and development of the mobile app to testing of the app, its launch, marketing and technical support, vStacks Infotech is one company that provides end-to-end mobile solution for your business.

vStacks Infotech has trained and professional designers and developers who can develop customised mobile app for your business giving you the required edge over your competitors.