Our Top Most Services LMS For Training Providers

As the number of employees who are looking for professional development opportunities increase, one thing that companies can’t do without is training. The world over organisations are now realising the importance of providing quality training to their workforce, and things are not any different in India. It is not surprising to note that 68% of the workers say that training and development is the most important work policy. And, the most vital tool that you need to provide quality training to your employees is an LMS. Whether you are a company that specialises in providing training or you head the training vertical of a big organisation, an LMS for training providers is what you need to keep things on the right track. But with so many LMS vendors in the market, how do you select the best LMS for training providers for your organisation.

The LMS for training providers you select for your organisation should have a user-friendly interface, it must be easy to use, customisable, rich on features and functionalities, and competitively priced which offers value for money.

And, that is where eZnet LMS comes into the picture. eZnet LMS is a cloud-based offering from vStacks Infotech which has widely been accepted by the users all over the world. eZnet LMS for training providers is successfully being used by several corporates. With sufficient experience in the software development business, vStacks Infotech knows what it takes to make learning fun and easy for your workforce.

eZnet LMS is a cloud-based enterprise-wide application which manages your entire workforce through an all-inclusive solution.

What is an LMS?

A learning management system or LMS for training providers helps you to deliver training content to your target audience efficiently. Businesses use LMS for effective delivery of training courses and programs. It not only delivers training courses to a large captive audience, but it also helps in tracking, monitoring, and assessing the performance of each member in the group.

LMS for training providers allows you to create training content which your audience (read trainees) can learn at their own pace. It helps bring down the cost of training. Also, it helps you create customisable training content for the trainees.

A good LMS for training providers manages complex workplaces, teams, and all your reporting and assessing demands efficiently.

Why training providers should select eZnet LMS?

All LMSs are not the same. Training providers need special functionalities; hence it is important that you consider opting for an LMS like eZnet LMS. eZnet LMS is not just easy to use, but it is also customisable so that it suits your requirements. Some of the reasons why you need to select eZnet LMS are:

It offers a great user experience

You cannot achieve much out of your LMS if it does not offer a great user experience. And, when it comes to user experience, eZnet LMS is the best in its class. It has a simple yet attractive design, intuitive navigation, and is easy to use interface which provides an excellent user experience.

It offers a smooth learner journey

As the main aim of an LMS is to deliver effective learning, a learner journey from login to the start of the course is an important metric to consider. Because eZnet LMS offers excellent user experience, it has an extremely seamless learner journey from login to learning (that is from start to finish).

It is customisable

If the LMS cannot be customised to suit your requirements, then it is hardly going to serve the purpose. With eZnet LMS, you don’t have to worry about customisation. You can customise your eZnet LMS so that it suits all your requirements.

It offers social learning

Social learning in today’s times is an important parameter to consider when you are looking for an LMS software. eZnet LMS offers social learning which makes announcements and communication among peers effective and easy.

It offers responsive design features

Today’s learners want to access eLearning courses from anywhere and at any time. Hence, you need an LMS that can deliver mobile-friendly content on demand. You need an LMS that offers everyone the same viewing experience. That is why your LMS should have responsive LMS design features. And, when you opt for eZnet LMS, you get responsive design features which are very vital to make learning fun and easy.

Blended learning tools

Blended learning tools are important because it helps you to cater to the needs and preferences of different learners. With eZnet LMS, you get both the options of learning. You can offer face-to-face instruction or provide self-paced learning paths for those who prefer it that way.

It offers e-commerce integration

For those who want to sell their courses, it is important that your LMS offers e-commerce integration. And, when you opt for eZnet LMS, you don’t have to worry about e-commerce integration.

It offers robust reporting

It is important for the training providers to have an LMS that gives them a complete picture of learner performance, engagement, and satisfaction ratings. With eZnet LMS for training providers, you can view assessment scores, put in your inputs, offer remedies, track, and monitor the performance of every individual in the group. Also, eZnet LMS has customisable reporting features. You can customise them so that it suits your requirement.

It offers course building

It is important for your LMS to allow course building. When you use an LMS like eZnet LMS, you have the liberty to create course content the way you want to develop it.
We offer constant customer support – For the smooth functioning of your LMS, you need constant support. And, when you opt for eZnet LMS, you get constant support from us at all the times. Whether you require support on the technical front or you need us for regular support, we are there for you always.

We also offer competitive pricing

Organisations both big and small are sensitive towards pricing. When it comes to pricing, you can rest assured that eZnet LMS is competitively priced. We, at vStacks Infotech, believe in offering value to our customers, and that is why our pricing is not just competitive, but it also matches the best in the industry.

If LMS for training providers is what you want, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now for our offering – eZnet LMS. You should give eZnet LMS a try as it truly empowers the training providers.