Category Archives: Digital Marketing

Strategies for Digital Change by the Top Digital Marketing Company in Noida


Strategies for Digital Change by the Top Digital Marketing Company in Noida

Businesses have realized that digital marketing is essential for their growth and development today. Every business owner must embrace digital marketing and should be aware of latest trends and strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

This blog will discuss strategies for digital change by the top digital marketing company in Noida, vStacks Infotech, which has been providing Digital Marketing Services for several years.

  1. Craft a Detailed Strategy

The first step to achieving digital change is crafting a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. It involves identifying your target audience, determining the marketing goals, and choosing the appropriate digital marketing channels. The team at vStacks works with partners to create a strategy tailored to their business needs.

  1. Utilize Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an essential part of digital marketing. A strong social media presence is crucial for reaching potential customers and interacting with existing ones. The team at vStacks helps create and manage your social media accounts, including creating engaging content and running social media campaigns.

  1. Let Search Engines Discover your Website

Letting the search engines discover your website is another crucial aspect of digital marketing. Website optimization involves using appropriate keywords, optimizing website content, and creating backlinks. The team at vStacks will help you with search engine optimization, increasing your visibility and driving traffic to your website.

  1. Paid Advertising Helps

Paid advertising is also an effective way to reach potential customers. The team at vStacks can help create and manage your paid advertising campaigns, including creating relevant content and targeting the right audience.

  1. Create Engaging Content

Engaging content is crucial to digital marketing success. It involves creating blog posts, videos, infographics, etc., to attract and engage potential customers. The team at vStacks will help you create the right ad content for your target audience.

  1. Analyze and Optimize

Analyzing and optimizing your digital marketing campaigns is crucial to achieving success. The team at vStacks will help you analyze your campaigns by tracking website traffic, customer engagement, and conversion rates, among other metrics. They will then use this data to optimize your campaigns for better results.

  1. Stay Ahead of the Curve

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field. The team at vStacks keeps track of the latest developments to ensure that your digital marketing campaigns are up-to-date and effective. They continually refine their strategies so that you stay ahead and achieve digital success.

In conclusion, digital marketing is essential for business growth and development today. The Strategies for Digital Change by the Top Digital Marketing Company in Noida discussed above are just a few of the many strategies that vStacks Infotech uses to achieve digital change for its clients. Their experience in digital marketing will ensure that your business achieves digital success.

Reaping Benefits of Social Media Marketing


Reaping Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it. With over 3.8 billion active social media users worldwide, it is no surprise that businesses have started to turn towards social media marketing to reach their target audience.

Social media marketing is the process of promoting products or services through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. In this article, we will discuss benefits of social media marketing for businesses and how companies such as Social Cults, Bliss Marcom, and vStacks Infotech, can help.

Increased Brand Awareness

Social media is an excellent platform for businesses to increase brand awareness. By creating engaging content and sharing it with your audience, you can increase your brand’s exposure. Social media platforms allow businesses to reach a wider audience and connect with them on a personal level. By consistently posting and engaging with your audience, you can position your brand in front of potential customers and increase brand recognition.

Improved Customer Engagement

Social media provides businesses with a platform to engage with their customers in real-time. It allows businesses to respond to customer feedback, questions, and concerns in a timely manner. The ability to interact with customers on a personal level can enhance customer loyalty and build trust. Social media also provides businesses with the opportunity to conduct market research, gather customer feedback, and gain insights into customer preferences.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Social media marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to promote their products or services. Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media marketing is relatively inexpensive. Most social media platforms allow businesses to create free accounts and running paid advertising campaigns is also relatively affordable. With social media, businesses can reach a wider audience without breaking the bank.

Increased Website Traffic

Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. By including links to your website in your social media posts, you can direct traffic to your site. Social media platforms can also increase your website’s search engine ranking, which can further increase traffic. By consistently sharing quality content, businesses can attract potential customers to their website, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Improved Conversion Rates

Social media marketing can improve conversion rates for businesses. By targeting the right audience with the right message, businesses can increase the likelihood of conversion. Social media platforms allow businesses to create targeted advertising campaigns that can reach specific demographics. By tailoring your message to the needs and interests of your target audience, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.

In conclusion, social media marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. By increasing brand awareness, improving customer engagement, and driving website traffic, businesses can increase their revenue and grow their business.

With the right strategy and consistent effort, businesses can harness the benefits of social media marketing for their marketing goals. Approaching Digital marketeer such as vStacks Infotech should be a good start.

Growth with Digital Marketing: Tips to Accelerate the Business


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the power of digital marketing cannot be overstated. It has become a cornerstone for businesses seeking to accelerate their growth and expand their reach. Whether you’re a small start-up or an established enterprise, harnessing the potential of digital marketing can catapult your business to new heights. Thankfully there are numerous companies in India that offer such services, a few include Webi360, Drona Infotech, Graphene Software and vStacks Infotech.

Let’s explore essential tips to leverage digital marketing for accelerated business growth.

  1. Develop a comprehensive strategy: The first step towards successful digital marketing is creating a well-defined strategy. Understand your target audience, industry trends, and your unique value proposition. Set clear goals that align with your business objectives. Your strategy should encompass various digital channels, including social media, search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  2. Optimize your online presence: Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. Ensure its user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimised for search engines. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into leads or customers. Focus on improving site speed, navigation, and providing valuable content.
  3. Leverage the power of content: High-quality, relevant, and engaging content is a cornerstone of digital marketing success. Create a content plan that addresses your audience’s pain points, educates them, and positions your business as an industry authority. Utilise blog posts, videos, infographics, and downloadable resources to capture your audience’s attention and keep them coming back for more.
  4. Harness social media: Social media platforms offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with your target audience. Choose the platforms where your audience is most active and tailor your content to each platform. Engage with your followers, respond to comments, and build a community around your brand. Social media advertising allows you to reach a highly targeted audience, expanding your business’s visibility.
  5. Invest in SEO: Search engine optimisation is vital for ensuring your business is discoverable in online searches. Identify relevant keywords for your industry, optimise on-page and off-page elements, and regularly update your content. Higher search rankings lead to increased organic traffic, boosting your brand’s visibility and credibility.
  6. Embrace email marketing: Email remains one of the most effective tools for nurturing leads and retaining customers. Build a segmented email list and send personalised, value-driven content. Use email marketing to announce promotions, share industry insights, and keep your audience engaged.
  7. Analyse and adapt: Continuously monitor the performance of your digital marketing efforts. Utilise analytics tools to track key metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, email open rates, and social media engagement. Use this data to refine your strategy, focusing on what works and adjusting what doesn’t.
  8. Stay abreast of trends: Digital marketing is constantly evolving. Stay up to date with the latest industry trends, algorithm updates, and emerging technologies. A willingness to adapt and try new approaches can give you a competitive edge.

Digital marketing is a powerful driver of business growth. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses that prioritise digital marketing will be poised for continued success and expansion. This should be a compelling reason for you to consider the services of companies like vStacks Infotech.

PPC Service Provider in Noida


In today’s digital landscape, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a highly effective strategy that can help businesses reach their target audience, increase website traffic, and drive conversions. In Noida, a bustling city in India’s National Capital Region (NCR), businesses can benefit greatly from partnering with a reputable PPC service provider. Let’s explore how a PPC service provider in Noida like vStacks Infotech, can boost your online presence and drive business growth.

What exactly is PPC advertising?

PPC advertising is a digital marketing model in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It allows businesses to display their ads prominently on search engine results pages and other online platforms, ensuring maximum visibility to potential customers. With Noida being a hub for businesses across various industries, competition is fierce, making it crucial for companies to employ effective marketing strategies to stand out. This is where a PPC service provider comes in.

Why partner with a PPC service provider in Noida?

Partnering with a PPC service provider offers numerous benefits. Some of these are:

  • Industry experience: Such professionals possess the expertise and experience to develop effective PPC campaigns tailored to your specific business goals. They conduct thorough research to identify the most relevant keywords and phrases that resonate with your target audience. By optimising your ads with the right keywords, they ensure that your ads appear prominently when users search for related products or services in Noida.
  • Ad management: A PPC service provider employs strategies to enhance the quality and relevance of your ads. They create compelling ad copies that capture users’ attention and entice them to click. They also optimise landing pages to provide a seamless user experience, ensuring that visitors are directed to relevant and engaging content on your website. By delivering a positive user experience, you can increase the likelihood of conversions and drive business growth.
  • Target local customers effectively: Noida is a vibrant city with a diverse population, and businesses often aim to attract customers within specific geographic areas. A PPC service provider can set up location-specific targeting, allowing you to focus your advertising efforts on Noida and its surrounding regions. This geo-targeting strategy ensures that your ads are seen by potential customers who are more likely to engage with your business.
  • PPC campaign management: They track key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Based on the insights gained from these metrics, they make data-driven adjustments to improve campaign performance. By optimising keywords, adjusting bidding strategies, and refining ad copies, they ensure that your PPC campaigns deliver the best possible outcomes.
  • Cost-effectiveness: They help you set and manage your advertising budget efficiently. With their expertise, they can allocate your budget strategically across different campaigns and channels to achieve the highest return on investment (ROI). By targeting specific keywords and optimizing ad placements, they can minimise wasted ad spend and ensure that your advertising budget is utilised effectively.

As we can see partnering with a PPC service can significantly impact your online presence and business growth. In a competitive market like Noida, leveraging the power of PPC advertising can give your business a competitive edge. So, if you are looking to boost your online visibility, attract more customers, and drive business growth, consider partnering with a reputable PPC service provider in Noida like vStacks Infotech, today.

Digital Marketing Company in Noida


Digital marketing has become an integral part of any business’s success in the modern age. With most people spending a significant amount of their time online, businesses need to have a strong online presence to attract and retain customers. This is where a digital marketing company in Noida, such as vStacks Infotech, comes in.

Noida is a city located in the National Capital Region of India and is a hub of technology and business. With a population of over 600,000, Noida offers a significant market for businesses to tap into. A digital marketing company can help businesses reach this market and beyond by providing various digital marketing services.

Services offered by digital marketing company in Noida

  • SEO or search engine optimisation: SEO involves optimising a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords and phrases. By ranking higher in SERPs, businesses can attract more organic traffic to their website, which can translate into more leads and sales.
  • SEM or search engine marketing: SEM involves placing ads on search engine results pages for specific keywords and phrases. By targeting the right keywords and using effective ad copy, businesses can attract potential customers who are actively searching for their products or services.
  • Email marketing: Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to potential and existing customers. By providing valuable content and personalised offers, businesses can increase customer loyalty and drive more sales.
  • Content marketing: By creating high-quality content that is informative and engaging, businesses can attract potential customers and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. A digital marketing agency can help businesses create and distribute effective content that resonates with their target audience.

In addition to these services, a digital marketing company in Noida, such as vStacks Infotech, can also provide website design and development services. A well-designed website that is optimised for search engines and user experience can help businesses attract and retain more customers. A digital marketing agency can create a website that not only looks great but also functions seamlessly.

As we can see, a digital marketing agency can provide various services that can help businesses reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. By leveraging the power of digital marketing, businesses can increase their online visibility, attract more customers, and drive more sales. With the right digital marketing strategy and a reliable digital marketing partner, businesses in Noida can achieve success in the digital age.


Digital Marketing Services in Noida


Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use the Internet. That is, when marketing activities are done over the Internet, this kind of marketing is known as, digital marketing. Here in, we utilise digital channels, such as search engines, email, websites, social media, etc., in order to connect with existing and potential customers.

Unlike old-style marketing, the digital version allows you to reach a larger audience and target more probable prospects, which makes way for a higher conversion rate. Furthermore, it is more cost-effective, compared to the traditional ways of marketing. At the same time, it also enables you to measure success and make adaptations in marketing strategies, as you move ahead.

Marketing is all about selecting the correct channels to touch your target audience well. The key to effective marketing has always been about connecting with the right set of audiences, in the right place, and at the right time. As businesses see people near them glued to their screens, digital media becomes the preferred channel for them to launch their marketing pitches. They are using effective digital marketing strategies to reach out to customers and ensure significant commercial benefits.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

It becomes nearly impossible, viewing the humungous costs involved or cumbersome modalities while creating a marketing campaign that aims to touch its audience across the globe. But, as we move from traditional methods to digital, we see that happening, and much more cost effective now. Even a small business owner can now, via online means, reach out to an international audience. This online openness has unlocked many growth opportunities for businesses to explore, as it gives them a combination of global reach and visibility.

The best part of this visibility enhancement is that global visibility does not obscure the local appearance. Try searching out ‘Grocery Store near me on a Search Engine, and it will give you a relevant result. Local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and locally targeted advertisements can be beneficial for businesses trying to bring more customers to their doors. Earlier, it would take you to print out flyers and distribute them around, with newspapers, but not anymore.

Digital marketing allows you to extract data to see which set of audiences will work best for you and optimise your campaign around them. SEO, PPC (pay-per-click), or through information, already fed to social media, you could locate your target audience.

How to select the best digital marketing agency in Noida?

You may be operating your business from the Silicon Valley of the USA, India, or UP (Noida), you require a digital marketing agency, as keeping a dedicated team of digital marketing professionals could not be economically viable in most cases. It is crucial to know how to select the best online marketing agency for your business.

To start with, make sure you identify your digital marketing goals. Then, list a few probable digital marketing agencies that keep popping up to you, as you browse the Net. Shortlist the agencies that have an organised easy-to-use Website, loading quickly and professionally designed. Then you can ask them to share their keyword ranking statistics. If the keyword ranks are encouraging, you can be sure that they are good at SEO as well.

Digital marketing takes time to deliver the desired results, so you should always be prepared for a long-term relationship, with your agency. But, at any stage, don’t overlook the process they follow. The agency you hire should not have any problem in formulating a custom program of digital marketing strategies to suit your needs and goals. You also need to find out the techniques and methods the agency would use to learn the key processes of your industry, or if they had done a similar marketing campaign in the past. Finally, don’t forget that value is more important than price.

If you are based out of the Delhi-NCR region and are looking for a reliable digital marketing agency in Noida, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We are a full-service digital marketing company, and we know what it takes to make your business more visible online. We have done it already, and keen to do it for you.

Want to Get Noticed on social media? Think About Videos!


Engaging with their target audience is the most vital thing for every business. There are many channels available these days to engage your audience. Companies use many mediums to convey their messages to customers and prospects. Among many channels, social media is now one of the most crucial spaces to engage your audiences. To beat the competition and do well as a business, you need to be active on social media.

Social media is a vast domain. You have social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, image sharing & messaging sites such as Instagram and Snapchat, social blogging sites like Medium and Tumblr, social community and discussion sites, and video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo. You need to tap each one of them effectively to reach and engage with your audience.

From writing a blog and sharing images to uploading video content, you need to have a robust social media marketing strategy to reach and engage effectively with your existing customers and prospects.

However, when you formulate your social media marketing strategy, you need to pay special attention to video content.


The reason why you need to focus on video marketing is – because the video content is capable of getting you more shares and conversions than any other type of marketing content.

But to make your video marketing successful, you need to understand that your video content needs to be engaging and it should have the right specs.

If you are already doing video marketing but are not getting the desired results or in case you are starting your video campaign, then you are in the right place.  Let us take you through how video gets you noticed on social media – know the specs before you get started, types of content you could post, and ideas to get you started with video.

Know the specs before you get started

If you want to generate higher and better engagement with your audience, then you need to tell (read the video) your story in the right manner. A lot goes into making a video. From subtitles and length to details and sound, you need to get everything right to make your video more engaging and interesting.

However, the first thing you need to get right is this – know the specs before you get started.

When it comes to video content, it is important to understand the specs first. Let us take you through the video specs of Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook video specs

On Facebook, the most common type of video comes from shared posts. There can be two orientation for this type of video content – Landscape and Portrait. Here are the video specs for both:

For Landscape and Portrait, the recommended video dimension is 1280 x 720, and the minimum width is 600 pixels.

The Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9, and the Portrait aspect ratio is 9:16.

For mobile, the aspect ratio for both is 2:3.

The maximum file size is 4 GB.

The recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.

The maximum video length is 120 minutes.

The video max frames 30fps.

In the case of character limits, the maximum count is 2,200 characters. If a link is used, then the recommended count is 90 characters. The headline should not be more than 25 characters. And, link description should not be more than 30 characters.

Similarly, there are different specs for 360 video, Facebook video ads, carousel video ads, collection video ads (mobile), canvas video ads within news feeds, autoplay video within canvas ads, Slideshow video ads, and Facebook stories.

Instagram video specs

Video content is also extremely popular on Instagram. Here are the specs for in-feed video – Landscape, Square, and Vertical:

For Landscape video, the minimum resolution is 600 x 315, for Square video, the minimum resolution is 600 x 600., and for Vertical video, the minimum resolution is 600 x 750.

The aspect ratio for Landscape is 16:9, for Square, it is 1:1, and for Vertical, it is 4:5.

The file size for all formats is a maximum of 4 GB.

The recommended video formats are .MP4 and . MOV.

The maximum video length is 60 seconds.

The video max frames at 30fps.

In the case of character limits, the maximum caption is 2,200 characters, and the caption recommendation is 125 characters.

Similarly, there are different specs for Instagram video ads, carousel video ads, Instagram stories, and Instagram TV.

Hence, if you want your video marketing to be successful, you need to make sure that you follow the specs of each platform.

Types of content you could post

The more engaging and interesting you make your video content, the more people will consume it.

What makes for interesting content?

If you know the types of content you could post, it would make things much easier for you. Isn’t it?

Let us give you a brief on some of the topics that are known to perform better on social media:

  • Interview/ Q&A – People just love to engage with informative interviews and Q&As that tend to answer your questions. You can sit with one of your team members and make it look like an interview. Or, if you are planning to go solo, then you can opt for the Q&A format.
  • Behind the scene – People are curious to know how you do your work. It is a good idea to make a video highlighting those who work for you. You can highlight your company culture and connect with your audience.
  • Product or feature video – Brands’ social media posts hugely influence your consumer’s buying decision. If you want to highlight a product or market a specific feature, video is the best bet to reach your audience. A social media post is more convincing than an ad.
  • Live videos – Live streaming is now a common feature offered by most platforms. You can go live and interact with your audience for better engagement. It is the right format for behind-the-scenes, Q&As, and event content.
  • Promos and deals – Most of your customers are interested in a deal. You can put out a stimulating video announcing a sale or deal to catch their attention.
  • User-generated content – User-generated content can look more convincing. You can ask some of your loyal customers to share their content, which you can repost. User-generated content can also create more engagement.
  • Contests – Holding a contest is a great way to engage with your audience. You can create a video to promote your contest. You can also make a video to announce the winners. Alternatively, you can go live to interact with your audience and announce the winners.
  • Announcements – If you have major news like expansion, product launch, or an acquisition, you can make a video and let your audience know about it.
  • Events – You can post your event videos. Make the video more interesting by interviewing select attendees.
  • Breaking news – People these days use social media to get their daily news fix. Breaking news and participating in trending topics is a great way to engage with your audience. But be careful of newsjacking. You can put out a video if you have a breaking news about your organisation. You can also make a video sharing your views about an important event.
  • How-to and Tutorials – How-to and tutorial videos are extremely popular these days. You can make these videos to interact and engage with your audience. When done in the right manner, these videos can fetch great results.

Ideas to get you started with video

YouTube’s consumer base is growing at a rapid pace. The reason for this is simple – video consumption is on the rise. If you have just started your video marketing or in case you are not getting the desired results from your present campaigns, then here are ideas to get you started with video:

“Getting to know you” videos

“Getting to know you” videos are the most common beginner YouTube ideas that you can start with.

  • You can make videos –Introducing yourself – Introduce yourself – who you are and what do you do. What should your audience expect from you? You can also make a video welcoming people.
  • Introducing your company – Make a video to tell your audience what you do and introduce them to your business.
  • Introducing your team – Make a video to let people know who all help your organisation run.
  • Introducing family and friends – Introduce your family and friends to your audience.
  • You can also start vlogging – Just like blogging, you can start vlogging, which is a nice way to engage with your audience. Vlogging can be on any topic – educational, entertainment, or personal.
  • Make an explainer video – You can make an explainer video to introduce your product, service, or company.
  • Create a tour video – People like to know what goes behind the scene in making a product. You can let your audience take a sneak-peak into your office.
  • Another popular format on YouTube is “a day in the life” – People on YouTube love to know what you do and how your day pans out. Make “a day in the life” video of your typical day.
  • Create culture videos – Let people know what culture you follow in your organisation. Make videos that bring out a fun and positive culture of your organisation.
  • Shoot “behind the scenes” videos – Let people know what goes on behind the scenes in your organisation.
  • Share facts with your audience – Make a video to let your audience know some facts about yourself.

Draw my life – Narrate your key events and experiences through draw my life videos.

Educational and tutorial videos

  • DIY video – DIY videos are extremely popular. Show your audience how they can do a particular job without any external assistance.
  • Tutorial or how-to videos – These are also immensely popular on YouTube. You can upload videos on how-to learn piano, guitar, etc. – the possibilities are many. How-to set up your new phone or how-to look young, etc.
  • Cooking tutorial videos – These videos are also massively popular on YouTube. Teach people how to cook their favourite dish.
  • Product tutorial videos – Teach people how to use different products, could be yours, or someone else’s.
  • Explain a concept – You can make a video explaining a concept. For example, if you are good at maths, you can solve a tricky problem, or if coding is your forte, you can explain a complex coding problem.
  • Workout videos – When it comes to fitness, many people check out YouTube on how to do a particular exercise. You can make workout videos and post them.
  • Webinar or presentation – If you conduct webinars or give presentations, you can put them on YouTube so that people can watch it when they have time.
  • Infographic videos – If you want to share numbers and statistics, you can make infographic videos to engage with your audience.
  • Whiteboard video – It is an animated video where someone draws on a whiteboard. If you have a complex idea to explain to your viewers, you can make a whiteboard video to engage with your audience.
  • Q&A videos – If you want to answer frequently asked questions about your product or business, you can put a Q&A video to make things simple and easy for your audience.
  • Myth-busting videos – If you want to bust some myths, you can put out myth-busting videos to clear the air.

Review videos

  • Product reviews – Many people go to YouTube to check out product reviews. It is one of the most popular types of content on YouTube. Before making a purchase, many people check out product reviews on YouTube. You can upload your product reviews so that it can help your prospects firm up their decision.
  • Movie review – You can also share your opinion on a movie that you have recently watched.
  • Book review – The same is true for a book as well. You can share your opinion on your latest read.
  • Game review – Just like movie and book, you can share your opinion on the latest game you have tried.
  • Testimonials – If you have a business, you should post testimonial videos. It should be part of your business strategy because it develops trust among your audience.

Fun video ideas

  • Comedy or skits – If you can make people laugh, you should make videos and post them on YouTube. Funny videos can go viral quickly.
  • Music video – If you are into music, you can make videos and upload them on YouTube.
  • Prank videos – People love prank videos. If you can make prank videos, then you should start putting them out on these platforms. People just love harmless pranks.
  • Funny and cute baby videos – People love to see funny and cute baby videos. You can make them and post them on YouTube.
  • Funny animal videos – People also love to watch funny animal videos. Kitten or puppies can go viral on social media if you can make funny videos.
  • Challenge videos – YouTubers love challenge videos (for example, the Ice Bucket Challenge). Remember not to compromise safety.
  • Parody video – Give a popular video, song, or movie a spin of your own by making a parody video.
  • Bloopers – You can put out a funny blooper video on YouTube, which your audience will love to watch.
  • Lip syncing or singing – YouTubers love these videos. You can try them out to reach out to your audience.
  • Magic tricks – If you know a few tricks, make a video of them and put it on YouTube. People love to watch magic tricks.
  • Walkthrough video – Video game walkthrough videos are extremely popular on YouTube. If you are good at some of them, make a video and put it on YouTube.
  • Speed-run videos – Can you finish a popular game quickly? If yes, you can show off your talent by capturing it in speed-run videos. These are very popular on YouTube.
  • Highlight reel – If you are good at action sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, surfing, etc., you can show off your skills proudly. YouTube has active communities for all these sports, and it can help you in more ways than one.
  • Time-lapse – Time-lapse is a technique of capturing the video frames at a much slower speed. These videos are extremely popular on YouTube.
  • Fan videos – If you want to share your opinion on what happened at the end of your favourite book or movie, then people love to hear them on YouTube.
  • Mashups – Mashup videos are immensely popular on YouTube. You can make them and post them on social media. For example, it could be two different songs or a movie clip.
  • You can also make collection videos – If antique collection is your passion, and you have a huge collection, you can make a video and share it with the world. People love to see collection videos.
  • Unboxing video – People love to watch unboxing videos. Whether you are opening your new smartphone or unboxing a new toy for your child, YouTubers would love to see it.
  • Shopping haul – You can make a video of your latest shopping spree and put it on YouTube. It is popular among beauty and fashion vloggers.
  • What’s in my bag video – If you are a woman, you can make a video of what is there in your bag.
  • What’s on my phone video – Want to show off your phone apps? Make a video and put it out on YouTube.

You can also make videos listing your favourite books, movies, YouTube videos, songs, albums, games, travelled places, apps, athletes, and teams.

  • Promo video – If you have a promo video, you should put it on YouTube. It is known to fetch great results (if it is a nicely made video).
  • Opinion videos – You can share your views and opinion on any subject – politics, celebrity news, current events, etc.
  • Response video – If you differ with someone’s views, you can put out a response video sharing your views in response to the video.
  • Reaction video – Want to react to news or event, you can shoot a reaction video and put it out on YouTube.
  • Event recap – Make a video of the event you are planning to host and put it on YouTube so that those not present during the event can watch it.
  • Live streaming – You can opt for live streaming to engage with your audience so that nobody misses out on anything.
  • Video contest – Plan a video contest, and ask your viewers to make videos for you. It is the best way to get user-generated content, and the most engaging way to interact with your viewers.

Video can improve your brand’s visibility on social media. If you are looking for a social media marketing services company that can take charge of your video marketing campaign, you can get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We are a digital marketing company specialising in social media marketing, and we know what it takes to make your brand more visible on social media.

How to Connect with Your Customer Base?


To do well in the business landscape, it is crucial for marketers to focus on how to connect with their customer base. Marketers need to look for things that can help them connect well with their customers. And one such area they cannot ignore is social media.

Marketers need to know that social media marketing plays a significant role in helping them connect with their customers. Social media marketing not just helps you in branding, but it can also provide a thrust to your SEO efforts.

Social media has opened up a plethora of opportunities to connect with customers. There are many options to captivate your target audience. And one of the best ways to connect with your audience on social media is storytelling.

Storytelling has been around for ages. Storytelling is a powerful way that can help people take note of your brand.  But to get the desired results, brands need to do it the right way.

Let us take you through what is good storytelling, how you should connect by telling your stories, and why it is important to find out what your customers are saying.

What is good storytelling?

Good stories can connect people like a magnet. Authors become popular because they have a knack for storytelling.

However, everyone does not become a bestselling author. It is crucial to know how to narrate a story, especially when you are doing it for branding purposes.

So, what is good storytelling?

A story is a good story if it can connect well with your audience.

The process of presenting facts and narratives through improvisation, theatrics, or embellishment to communicate and convey a specific message to an audience is known as storytelling.

Storytelling cannot happen without a story or narrative. It is a two-way communication process between the storyteller and one or more listeners that captures the listener’s active imagination. Storytelling can happen in different situations, and it may reflect different cultures.

But what is storytelling in the context of social media?

People these days are successfully using social media platforms to tell their or their brand’s story to their audience. For example, when a successful marketer shares his success story on Instagram or Facebook, it is a form of storytelling. Or, when a baker shares his or her recipe in a vlog on YouTube, it is a form of storytelling.

When you use social media platforms to share your brand’s, product’s, or company’s story to captivate your audience, it is known as social media storytelling.

If you think social media storytelling is another way of selling your product or services, you are wrong. Social media storytelling is capable of delivering your messages to your audience. You can tell your audience what your brand or company stands for.

As you might be aware, each story will have specific characteristics like a beginning, middle, and end. Also, each story tends to convey a special message, which could be a moral lesson, a noble thought, or a strong belief about something that you can relate to easily. And, social media storytelling is not any different either.

When you are doing social media storytelling, make sure it is not aimed only to sell something. If it is a story only to sell, it is not going to work because people are smart to differentiate between a story and a promotional message.

One of the best examples of successful storytelling in today’s times is Google’s #StayHomeSaveLives campaign. This is a popular hashtag these days on the current pandemic situation. Google has effectively woven the narrative to show how people across the globe are trying to help healthcare workers. It inspires others to stay home and follow social distancing to check the spread of Coronavirus.

Connect by telling your stories

Storytelling is a nice way of connecting with your customer base. The reason why it is effective is this – it establishes an emotional connection with your audience. The emotional angle is what makes storytelling so effective.

If you can connect by telling your stories, you can easily win over your customers and prospects.

When done in the right manner, effective storytelling can tackle your audience both emotionally as well as rationally. For branding professionals, storytelling serves three main objectives of an organisation – it adds value, creates identity, and generates trust in its audiences. When you do it as a branding exercise, you need to convey your company’s essence – what you stand for, how you think, and how you act and react in a given situation.  After all, your reputation in the market depends on all these things. That is why branding and storytelling go hand in hand.

If you know how to write a good story, it can spread knowledge, stimulate thinking, and create engagement with your audience. A story can convey your organisation’s products, services, culture, and objectives.

Find out what your customers are saying

Emotional marketing is a new buzzword. Consumers these days want to know a brand on a personal level. They are looking for an emotional connection with brands they can trust and rely on. The connection here is known as emotional branding, which can make your customers loyal to your brand.

And storytelling is one such method that can help you to connect with your audience at an emotional level.

But if you want your storytelling to be effective, you need to find out what your customers are saying.

It is vital to know what your customers want and what bothers them. You can use social listening tools to find out what issues are important for them at any given point in time. It is important to gauge their emotions and sentiments. When you know what your audience feels about your brand, industry, and your competitors, it can help you fine-tune your marketing campaigns. For example, when Dove’s customers’ relationships soured due to some goof ups, they launched a social listening campaign Project #ShowUS to listen to what their consumers had to say. They launched their campaign with a full-page ad in The New York Times owning up to its mistake and openly seeking their consumer’s input.

It is vital to connect with your audience directly. Make sure you have direct communication with your audience. People like to give suggestions, and when you explicitly seek their opinion, they feel valued. Ask your customers what they want and how you can solve their problems. You can use social media (launch a survey) to get your consumer’s feedback and assess the data to streamline your operations.

You also need to listen to what your frontline employees have to say. Your frontline employees interact directly with your audience, so it is crucial to take their feedback. Listen to what your customer service employees have to say about the pain points of your audience. Try to overcome the problems to keep your customers satisfied.

After all, it is important to listen to your audience and deliver what they want. It is crucial to have an active social media presence these days because most of your customers are active there.

If you are looking for a social media marketing services company to take charge of your social media campaigns, you can contact vStacks Infotech now. We are a digital marketing company specialising in social media marketing. From social media posts to surveys and storytelling, we can help move your social media activity in the right direction.

What Works Best for You – Email Marketing or SMS Marketing?


Unless you communicate effectively with your audiences, it is tough to do well in the business landscape. Communication can happen in many forms, and one of the most effective methods that have stood the test of time is email marketing. Businesses have used email marketing for decades to convey their messages effectively to their audiences. However, another communication method that gives email marketing a run for its money is SMS marketing.

Yes, SMS marketing is fast emerging as a quick, reliable, and cost-effective way of communicating with your customers, especially for promotions, reminders, and updates.

So, as a marketer, what should you opt for – email marketing, text messages marketing, or both? Let us, therefore, take you through email vs. text – which campaign works best for you – getting your message across – how email and SMS work, why businesses choose one over the other, and why should you choose both.

Getting your message across – how email and SMS work?

Effective communication is the biggest challenge marketers face. As a marketer, if you are unable to reach out to your target audience effectively, then your marketing efforts lack teeth. It is crucial, therefore, to know what works best for your organization – email marketing, text message marketing, or both.

That is why it is essential to know how email and SMS work.

As a marketer, it is vital to understand the importance of getting your message across – how email and SMS work.

With mobile use on the rise, more and more companies are embracing SMS marketing. 77% of consumers consider SMS as a positive form of communication. Also, according to research, SMS marketing has engagement rates 6-8 times higher than email marketing.

Here is how email and SMS marketing work:

Whereas emails have an open rate of 20%, SMSs have an open rate of 98%.

The average email click-through rate is around 2.5%, while that for SMS messages is 29%.

While only 3% of SMS messages are considered spam, almost 50% of emails are categorised as spam. The main reason for the deliverability discrepancy is because SMS marketing requires customers to opt-in for the messages, which means they are all engaged customers who want to listen to you.

On average, an office worker receives around 121 emails every day. Email is one of the most used marketing channels. SMS marketing is an upcoming channel; few companies run their campaign. The low frequency of SMS means you have a better chance of getting the attention of your audience.

When it comes to response rates, there is a lot of difference between the two. While people take a lot of time to respond to an email, they almost instantaneously respond to an SMS.

SMS is an extremely cost-effective way to reach out to your target audience. The cost may vary from provider to provider. For emails, the cost may vary depending on the provider, list size, frequency of emails sent, and other features.

Why businesses choose one over the other?

As an entrepreneur, you need to change your marketing strategies to suit the needs of your customers. As customer preferences change and technology evolves, businesses use various channels to reach their target audience. And, email marketing and SMS marketing are two of the most potent channels that businesses use to effectively communicate with their audiences.

However, why do businesses choose one over the other?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let us try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of email and SMS marketing.

Email marketing advantages

Email marketing is an extremely potent tool. All you need to do is do it the right way.

It improves your brand identity – When you do it correctly, email marketing can fetch you great results. Your email serves as a constant reminder to your customers about your brand. Your email campaigns can significantly improve your brand identity.

It is cost-effective – Again, if you do it the right way, email marketing can be extremely cost-effective. You can keep adding your contacts to your mailing list. With a bit of effort, your mailing list can become as big as you want. It is only when you add sophisticated technology to run your email campaign, do you need to pay for your campaign. However, email marketing gives you a good return on your investment.

You have a lot many testing options available – There are a lot of ways to do A/B testing to check the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. From headlines, links, and images to the content and drip campaign, you can test everything to know whether it will be effective or not.

Email marketing disadvantages

Consumers many a time mark branded messages as spam – There are chances that people mark your messages as spam. And, if that happens, then your email campaigns don’t serve the purpose.

You need a lot of time, effort, and resources to run an email campaign – To run effective email campaigns, you need to have dedicated resources. You need people who can draft emails correctly. You also need experts to write emails that give you leads. It is a time-consuming job, no doubt.

It is difficult to offer a personalised experience – Today’s customers want a personalised and customised experience. But it is difficult to truly personalise an email, which is a drawback to an extent.

SMS marketing advantages

SMS marketing is another powerful tool that has extremely high engagement rates. When used correctly, an SMS campaign can also give you great results.

Consumers prefer SMS messages over phone calls or emails – The majority of the customers these days prefer to receive text messages over a phone call or email.

SMS messages have high open rates – Most of the consumers (98%) tend to open branded text messages.

SMS messages reach customers quickly – Since most of us are on our mobile phones, it reaches the customers instantly.

Saves you time – Drafting an SMS message is not at all time-consuming, you can draft SMS messages quickly. Also, you don’t need experts to write long content. Many can do it on their own.

You can get an instant response – SMS messages can give you instant results. Hence, if you have a restaurant or brick and mortar store, you can expect to get an immediate response from your campaign.

SMS marketing disadvantages

You can’t send long messages – People are not used to reading long text messages. They expect a few sentences at the most. Hence, if you have to send a long text, then you should opt for an email.

You cannot send rich media – As the name suggests, you can only send text messages. You cannot send any rich media like audio or image files.

You need consumers to opt-in to receive your messages – It is not legally and ethically right to send them messages without their prior permission.

SMS marketing can become spammy too – Though you have prior permission to send your consumers messages if you bombard them with promotional offers, it is sure to feel like spam.

If you look only at the disadvantages or advantages of either of the two, you might think of choosing one over the other. But to reach out to your target audience effectively, you need to strike a balance between both of them.

Both email and text messages offer great results.

Why not both?

As a marketer, you need to devise a comprehensive strategy to maximise your communication reach.

So, what should you choose – email or text?

But what is the need to choose one over the other? Why not both?

It is best to use both these channels if you want to reach your target audience effectively.

Yes, your marketing strategy should strike a balance between email and text messaging because both are effective channels.

Let us try to understand when you should opt for an email marketing campaign and when it is best to run an SMS campaign.

Here is when you should use an email marketing campaign:

If your message is not time-sensitive or you need to send an elaborate message, then you should opt for an email marketing campaign. When you opt for an email campaign, you can get creative freedom, you can use images and graphics, and add CTAs (call to action).

You can opt for email marketing when you have to send:

  1. Newsletters
  2. Lengthy educational content
  3. Product announcements – you can add visuals
  4. Information to sell products and services
  5. Technical information
  6. Press releases
  7. Any new update
  8. Emails for survey, feedback, and take advice

If your message requires instantaneous action or it is time-sensitive, then it is best to opt for an SMS marketing campaign.

You can opt for SMS marketing when you have to send:

  • Product offers
  • Discount offers
  • Appointment recaps
  • Personal alerts
  • Urgent updates
  • Purchase confirmations
  • Something important that requires two-way communication

That is why it is crucial to opt for both the channels – email as well as text messages. And, if for any reason, you plan to use just one of them, then it is better to use email marketing. According to Smart Insights, if you follow up on your email with a simple message – have you read your email – it can improve your open rates by 20 to 30%.

When you combine SMS with email marketing, it can significantly improve customer engagement levels. The combination also improves customer retention rates, which you can use to learn more about your customers.

You also need to factor in demographics. Different people in different age groups respond differently to SMS messages. Also, men read SMS messages more frequently as compared to women. The majority of younger people respond to SMS messages, whereas the percentage is less when we look at the older age bracket.

What it means is this – you have to take into account a lot of factors before formulating your marketing strategy. Every industry and demographic behave differently. You need to fully understand your customers to develop your communication strategy.

Hence, if you want to reach out to your customers effectively, make sure you use both email marketing and SMS marketing. But if you have to opt for only one, make sure you choose email marketing.

If you want your email marketing campaign to be effective, you must contact vStacks Infotech now. We are a digital marketing company with plenty of experience in handling email marketing and SMS marketing campaigns for clients in diverse verticals. From market research to email content creation, we can formulate effective strategies that will bring you fruitful results. Also, if your niche requires a combination of email and SMS marketing efforts, we can help you strike a balance between the two. Contact us for an easy, affordable, and comprehensive marketing strategy.

What You Need To Know About Google’s Duplicate Content Penalty?


Effective communication is a must to connect with your target audience. Unless you communicate effectively with your audiences, it is tough to scale new heights in the business world. As a business owner, you have many options to choose an effective communication channel. And one communication channel that has no parallel is email.

Yes, email has stood the test of times. It is one of the oldest and most effective communication channels available to businesses.

But if you are using a free email account like,, etc. to meet your business needs, it is a mistake that can yield negative results. There is no harm in using a free email account for personal purposes, but it is not the right choice if you use it for professional purposes.

If you use a generic email account, people might not take your business seriously. As a business, if you are using a generic email account, it reflects poorly on the professionalism of the organisation.

What you need is a reliable email hosting service that allows you to have an email account of your own. An email account of your own not just makes you look more professional, but it also generates trust among your audience.

Let us, therefore, take you through the benefits of business email hosting – why business email shows a level of trust, how added security protects your business, and how it makes you more organised.

Business email shows a level of trust

Trust is a crucial ingredient when you are dealing with your consumers. When businesses use a free email account, it doesn’t invoke a feeling of trust.

However, business email shows a level of trust.

Research has shown that professional email addresses help build trust among consumers. If you have an email address linked to your website, people tend to take you more seriously, and it helps create a feeling of trust among your prospective customers. A professional email address not just invokes a feeling of trust, but it can also serve as a marketing tool to boost your website traffic. When your professional email address is the same as your domain name, it becomes easier for your prospective clients to find your website. For example, when your email address is & your domain name is, it is not all that difficult to locate your website.

It makes you look more professional, trustworthy, and authentic.

Added security protects your business

Security is an issue that needs serious consideration by companies of all sizes. There is no harm in taking the necessary precautions. Without a doubt, added security protects your business. And, when you opt for a reliable email hosting service, you can rest assured that your company information in the form of attachments and other details will remain safe and secure from the prying eyes. When you don’t have to worry about security, you can focus more on streamlining your business processes.

Any company worth its name in the market in the email hosting service segment will provide secure HTTPS connections, spam and antivirus filters, firewall protection, and standard SSL encryptions. With these protections in place, it is difficult for unauthorised users to invade your privacy.

Stay more organised

A professional email address is not just easy to remember, more credible, and trustworthy, but it is also safe, helps you stay more organised, and you can use it for life.

Typically, people take you more seriously if you use a professional domain to send business emails. A business email address makes you look more credible and trustworthy. It is, therefore, crucial to have one to do well in the business landscape.

If you opt for a professional email address, you can use it to build your brand. You can use a brand-building signature and attach it with all your emails, which is a good way of taking your brand to your consumers and prospects.

Another benefit of having a professional email address is it helps your prospects to locate you in the online landscape. When your email address and your website address are the same, none of your prospects will have any problem.

A professional email address remains with you forever. For example, you don’t have to worry about losing it when you change your internet service provider (if you are using one of them).

Moreover, a professional email address helps you to stay more organised.

When you opt for a reliable email hosting service, you have an email account of your own. You can create different addresses for different departments to make your processes more organised. Whether you have four employees, eight employees, or more, you can create separate email heads to organise your workflow. For example, you can create,,,, and so on.

It gives a more professional and organised look to your workflow among your customers.

If you are looking for a reliable business email hosting service provider, you must contact vStacks Infotech now. What is the point in paying extra for inhouse servers, license fees, and IT staff? We have been in the cloud business for long, and we understand the importance of communication. Our hosting ensures that you don’t face problems in communicating with people within and outside your organisation.