Cloud Based LMS Software Provider

LMS or learning management system is a tool that has changed the learning and training scenario on the world stage. It is a software that has made both teaching and learning fascinating, convenient and accountable. Thanks to the eLearning programs, businesses irrespective of their size or place of locations have taken a quantum leap forward in providing quality training to their workforce. And, with the cloud based LMS software adding to the fun, it has become even easier for corporates to create and deliver appropriate course material to their target audiences.

But, in order to extract maximum benefits of a cloud based LMS software, you need to have a tool like eZnetLMS. A cloud based software, eZetLMS is a technological marvel from the stable of vStacks Infotech.

But, let us first find out what is a cloud based LMS and why is it that the cloud based LMS software are gaining popularity across the board?

What is a cloud based LMS software?

Learning management systems hosted on the internet are known as cloud based LMS and you can access it by logging into the site of the service provider. Here you don’t have to install the management software and course design. All you need to do is log into the service provider’s site and upload the course content, create or develop new content and interact with the learners directly. A secure LMS is what it takes for this to happen, and designers also get the opportunity to store all the info on the cloud. Approved users can remotely access the system and use the information.

Why is it that your organisation needs a cloud based LMS?

There are many reasons why cloud based LMS software company are becoming hugely popular across the world.Here are some of the reasons why your organisation needs a cloud based LMS:

Cloud based LMS software are more affordable

Cost is one of the major factors why cloud based LMS software are gaining ground. It does not require huge investments upfront. The main reason is that you do not have to buy the software and hence lower initial investment. You also save on time as well as money because you do not have to invest in human resources for installing the program. Moreover, you do not have to worry about the glitches or installation problems. What you have to do is get into an agreement with the service provider and start creating and uploading your course content. With eZnetLMS, you can save on a lot of money as our rates are comparable to the best in the industry. vStacks Infotech has been in the cloud business for a very long period of time, and this allows us to keep our pricing competitive.

You do not have to worry about the set-up and maintenance of the system

You need a team of IT professionals to set-up and maintain an on premise LMS. And, you would also need them to update it on a regular basis. But, with a cloud based software like eZnetLMS, you do not have to worry about any of these things. vStacks Infotech is there to maintain and update your software and take care of all the glitches. You can start doing your work from the first day and shift all your worries on to the shoulders of our dedicated team for system management.

Cloud based LMS are easily accessible

A cloud based LMS software in noida is easy to access for both the developer as well as the learner. Internet connection is all you need to access a cloud based LMS like eZnetLMS. You can log into the system from anywhere, all you need is a laptop, smartphone or a tablet and an internet connection. This increases the productivity of your employees to a large extent.

Cloud LMS are scalable

You of course cannot keep investing in an LMS over and over again, more so if you are a small or mid-sized organisation. But, when you have a cloud based LMS like eZnetLMS, you do not have to worry about the scalability of the software. As and when you grow as an organisation, all you need to do is inform vStacks Infotech and sign up for new learners. You do not have to keep investing in the purchase of hardware and software, accommodating new learners is our responsibility.

You get ample storage space and your data remains secure

With cloud LMS, you do not need to store information on your computer or other devices, everything is stored on the cloud. You can upload your content, including your course material and images on the LMS directly, which makes your data more secure and also provides more space on your computer. When you are using a cloud based LMS like eZnetLMS, you can rest assure that all your data is backed up properly. You do not have to worry about your hard drives crashing or data being stolen because all your information is securely stored on the cloud.

We at vStacks Infotech make sure that all your training needs are suitably met so that you can provide uniform training to all your employees.