Category Archives: Web Development

Revamp Your Online Presence: Top Website Development Services in Noida


Website development involves the process of creating and designing a website for individuals, businesses, or organisations. Website development is an essential aspect of establishing an online presence and reaching a wider audience. 

Website Development Services in Noida plays a key role in establishing an online presence for businesses and individuals in today’s digital world.

In this blog post, we will discuss website development services and factors to consider when choosing a service.

What are Website Development Services?

Website Development Services in Noida refer to the professional support and expertise provided to individuals or businesses looking to create or enhance their online presence. These services typically involve designing, coding, and optimising websites to ensure they are visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly. 

By leveraging the expertise of web developers, businesses can establish a strong online presence, engage with their target audience, and drive conversions.

Who needs Website Development Services?

Website Development Services are essential for businesses of all sizes, ranging from start-ups to large corporations. It is important for businesses looking to create an online presence, showcase their products or services, and reach a wider audience.

E-commerce businesses benefit greatly from website development services as they rely on their online platforms to generate sales. Website development services are also useful for individuals such as freelancers or entrepreneurs who want to promote their personal brands or portfolios. 

Factors to consider when choosing a Website Development Services in Noida

When choosing Website Development Services, there are several key factors to consider:

Define your website needs and objectives 

Clearly outline what you want to achieve with your website – whether it’s e-commerce functionality, lead generation, or simply establishing an online presence.

Evaluate the company’s portfolio

Review past projects to gauge the quality of their work and see if they have experience in developing websites similar to what you need.

Consider the technology stack 

Ensure that the company uses modern frameworks that align with your requirements for scalability, security, and performance.

Look for client testimonials and reviews 

Check for feedback from previous clients to get insights into the company’s reliability, customer service, and overall satisfaction.

Assess their design capabilities

A visually appealing website is crucial for engaging users, so assess the company’s design skills in creating user-friendly layouts and aesthetic interfaces.

Inquire about post-launch support 

Ensure that the company offers ongoing maintenance services such as updates, backups, and technical support after the website goes live.

Discuss timelines and pricing 

Clarify project timelines, deliverables, and budget considerations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings later on.


Website development services play a crucial role in establishing a strong online presence for businesses. By utilising professional web developers, companies can create websites that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimised for search engines. 

With the constantly evolving digital landscape, it is crucial to stay ahead of the competition by having a modern and functional website.

vStacks Infotech offers professional Website Development Services in Noida, catering to the diverse needs of businesses in the region. Our team of expert developers and designers work collaboratively to create custom websites that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimised for performance. 

From e-commerce websites to content management systems, we tailor our solutions to meet each client’s specific requirements.

Choosing the Right E-commerce Development Company for Your Online Store


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, establishing a strong online presence is essential for any business. A well-designed and functional online store can significantly boost sales, expand your customer base, and enhance brand visibility. However, the key to achieving these goals lies in selecting the right e-commerce development company. With numerous options like AMR Softec, PQube, Softtrix, and vStacks Infotech available, making the right choice can be daunting.

Following essential tips will help you in choosing the right e-commerce development company for your online store.

Evaluate Their Experience: Experience is a crucial factor when selecting an e-commerce development company. Look for a company that has a proven track record in designing and developing successful online stores. Check their portfolio to see if they have worked with businesses like yours. An experienced company is more likely to understand your specific needs and deliver a solution tailored to your industry.

Technical Proficiency: A proficient e-commerce development company should be well-versed in various e-commerce platforms, such as WooCommerce or custom solutions. Assess their technical expertise and ensure they are up to date with the latest e-commerce trends and technologies. A company that understands the intricacies of different platforms can recommend the best one for your business.

Customisation and Scalability: Every business has unique requirements. Ensure the development company can provide a customised solution that aligns with your brand and caters to your specific needs. Additionally, consider the scalability of the platform. Your online store should be able to handle increasing traffic and business growth without major disruptions.

Mobile Responsiveness: With most online shoppers using mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive e-commerce site is crucial. The development company should prioritise creating a seamless mobile shopping experience. Test their previous projects on various devices to ensure they deliver a consistent and user-friendly interface across platforms.

User Experience (UX) Design: A well-designed online store with an intuitive user interface can significantly impact sales and customer retention. The e-commerce development company should prioritise creating a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website. Check their design portfolio to gauge their expertise in creating compelling and user-focused designs.

Integration Capabilities: Your online store may need to integrate with various third-party services, such as payment gateways, inventory management systems, CRM software, or marketing tools. Ensure that the development company has experience in seamless integrations and can help you implement the necessary functionalities to streamline your operations.

Support and Maintenance: Building an online store is not a one-time task. It requires ongoing support, maintenance, and updates. Inquire about the company’s post-launch support services. A reliable partner should be available to address any issues promptly and provide updates or improvements as your business evolves.

Cost and Timeline: While cost is an important factor, it should not be the sole determinant. Focus on the value you will receive for your investment. A transparent company should provide a clear estimate of the project cost and timeline. Be wary of companies that offer extremely low prices, as it may indicate a compromise in quality.

Selecting the right e-commerce development company is a critical decision that can impact the success of your online store. A well-chosen e-commerce development partner like vStacks Infotech will not only create a functional online store but also help you achieve long-term growth and success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Website development company in Noida


India had 658 million Internet users, according to the latest World Population Review. It means that almost half of the Indian population enjoys access to the Internet these days. Now, if you don’t have an effective online presence, you are missing big time on opportunities. That is why businesses need to have a website. But there is a lot of competition on the Internet, and all websites don’t yield similarly on the sales front. What is meant by an effective online presence? It encompasses many things but the basic thing you definitely need is a modern, professional, attractive, and feature-rich website. To get a professional website like that you need to hire a reliable and skilled website development company. However, if you operate in Delhi-NCR then the glad tiding is that vStacks Infotech is not only a reliable website development company in Noida, but it has the requisite capability and experience to build and manage your online presence.

A preferred website

In today’s times, the single most important thing to consider is customer experience. If you are unable to offer an excellent customer experience to your users, it is difficult for you and your website to do well on the Internet.

To make your website successful, here are a few things that you need to ensure.

Make sure your website is:

  • User-friendly
  • Mobile compatible
  • Accessible to all your users
  • Easy to use
  • Well-formatted
  • Easy to navigate
  • Loading up quickly
  • Working consistently in all browsers
  • Having a valid mark-up and clean code
  • Having a contrasting colour scheme
  • Having forms that are usable.

It takes a lot to make a website tick on the Internet. That is why you need to ensure that the web design and development company you hire should be capable enough to tick all of these boxes.

What to look for in a website development company?

Website development is a complex process. You need experts to do the job. That is why you need to select a website development company with a lot of caution. Here is what you should be careful about:

Before getting on with the selection process, it is crucial to determine your needs. It is vital to know what you want your website to do for your visitors and your company. Unless you know your needs, you will not be able to get what you want. Do some homework and try to determine your needs first.

It is crucial to know your limits. Hence, it is vital to fix a budget for your project. You also need to fix a timeline so that you can start what you have planned to do in time. Once you are through with the first two, you need to focus on the third – starting your search. Spend some time on the internet to make a list of companies that you think can fulfil your needs. Speak to your friends and family for referrals. And, you can also check out the local business directories like Google Business Listings.

After shortlisting some companies, make sure you judge them on the following points, by visiting their websites:

Check out the following – website design of the company you are planning to hire, website load speed, call to actions, navigation, and where does it rank on major search engines. Also, do check out whether the website is mobile-friendly or not. If the company you are planning to hire checks out most of the boxes, then you can go ahead and speak to them.

It is vital to hire a company that understands the website development process properly. Without experience, it is difficult to deliver great results. It is vital, therefore, to check out their portfolio. Going through the portfolio would give you a fair bit of idea where they stand. Find out whether they deal with design or tackle development as well.

You don’t just need a website development company for the development of your website, but you also need them after your website is up and running. There are many changes that you might like to make after your site goes live. Moreover, you will also need them for maintenance and upgrade work. Always remember one thing – your relationship with the website development company will be a long one.

If you are planning to hire a website development company in Noida, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We have been in the software development business for more than twenty years now, and we know what it takes to develop a top-quality website. We are a one-stop-shop for all your digital needs. From website design and development to hosting, content marketing, email marketing, social media management, SEO services, and more, we can look after all your digital marketing needs.


Website Development Services

As of April 2020, there were around 4.57 billion (Statista) active internet users worldwide. It means almost 59% of the world population accesses the internet these days. It is no doubt a vast market to ignore. With more than half the world population using the internet, if you don’t have an effective online presence, you are missing big time on opportunities. That is why businesses need to have a website. But there is a lot of competition on the internet, and all websites don’t give you the same result. For an effective online presence, what you need is a modern, professional, attractive, and feature-rich website. And, to get a professional website, you need a reliable, skilled, and professional website development services company. However, finding a reliable website development services company is not a walk in the park. You need to weigh your options carefully.

Let us, therefore, take you through what you should look for in a website development services company. But before getting there, let us first try to understand what makes a website professional.

In today’s times, the single most important thing to consider is customer experience. If you are unable to offer an excellent customer experience to your users, it is difficult for you and your website to do well on the internet.

So, how do you ensure that your customers have a great experience on your website?

To make your website successful, here are a few things that you need to ensure. Make sure your website is:

  1. User-friendly
  2. Mobile compatible
  3. Accessible to all your users
  4. Easy to use
  5. Well-formatted
  6. Easy to navigate
  7. Also, make sure your website has a fast load speed.
  8. It works consistently in all browsers.
  9. Ensure your website has a valid mark-up and clean code.
  10. Make sure that your website uses a contrasting color scheme.
  11. Ensure your forms are usable.

It takes a lot to make a website tick on the internet. That is why you need to ensure that the web design company you hire should be capable enough to tick all these boxes.

What to look for in a website development services company?

Website development is a complex process. You need experts to do the job. That is why you need to select a website development company with a lot of caution. Here is what you should be careful about:

Do your homework – Before getting on with the selection process, it is crucial to determine your needs. It is vital to know what you want your website to do for your visitors and your company. Unless you know your needs, you will not be able to get what you want. Do some homework and try to determine your needs first.

Fix your budget, set a timeline, and then start your search – It is crucial to know your limits. Hence, it is vital to fix a budget for your project. You also need to fix a timeline so that you can start what you have planned to do in time. Once you are through with the first two, you need to focus on the third – starting your search. Spend some time on the internet to make a list of companies that you think can fulfil your needs. Speak to your friends and family for referrals. And, you can also check out the local business directories like Google Business Listings.

After shortlisting some companies, make sure you judge them on the following points:

Visit the company’s website – There are a lot many things that you can find out when you visit a website. Check out the following – website design of the company you are planning to hire, website load speed, call to actions, navigation, and where does it rank on major search engines. Also, do check out whether the site is mobile-friendly or not. If the company you are planning to hire checks out most of the boxes, then you can go ahead and speak to them.

Don’t overlook experience – It is vital to hire a company that understands the website development process properly. Without experience, it is difficult to deliver great results. It is vital, therefore, to check out their portfolio. 

Going through the portfolio would give you a fair bit of idea where they stand. Find out whether they deal with design or tackle development as well.

Check out reviews and customer feedback – Any website development company worth its name in the market will have a review section on its website. It is important to go through the reviews. You can get to know a lot of positive as well as negative (if any) things about the company. And don’t forget to ask for references. Try to speak to them to find out their experience with the company you are planning to hire.

Find out about the kind of support they offer – You don’t just need a website development company for the development of your website, but you also need them after your website is up and running. There are many changes that you might like to make after your site goes live. Moreover, you will also need them for maintenance and upgrade work. Always remember one thing – your relationship with the website development company will be a long one.

Do consider other services as well – These days, website development companies offer an array of services apart from the development and designing of websites. From hosting and digital marketing services to content marketing and social media management, these companies help you on several fronts. It is always better to engage a single agency to look after your online presence. Apart from the cost factor, it makes them more accountable.

Never compromise on the quality – It is essential not to compromise on the quality front. If you want your customers to get the best experience, make sure that the company you hire provides you with a first-class website. It is not a good idea to save a few bucks on the design and development of your website. What you should instead consider is this – try to get value for your money.

You should be able to get along and communicate with them freely – When you know that you have to co-exist with someone for long, then it is better to choose someone with whom you can get along well. The same is true in the case of the company you are planning to hire. Also, the company you hire should listen to and respect your views and suggestions. They should not impose their will on you.

If you are planning to hire a website development services company in India, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We have been in the software development business for more than twenty years now, and we know what it takes to develop a top-quality website. We are a one-stop-shop for all your digital needs. From website design and development to hosting, content marketing, email marketing, social media management, SEO services, and more, we can look after all your digital marketing needs.

Why Does Google Suspend Your Local Listings?


Like it or not, but you cannot survive on this earth without the internet. And, if you own a business, it is difficult for you to do well in the world of business without a website. But, having a website alone cannot guarantee you all the success. If you want to beat the competition, you need to have a robust online marketing strategy. Talking of an online marketing strategy, one thing that you cannot ignore while formulating your strategy is Google. Regardless of the vertical and place where you do your business, you have to factor in Google to get ahead of your competitors.

But what will happen if your Google My Business listing gets suspended all of a sudden?

If you want a Google employee to come and tell you the reason for suspension, it is not going to happen. But Google is very clear on one thing – they are not interested in helping those who break the rules.

So, what should you do?

You need to know the reasons why your local listing gets suspended so that you can avoid all the inconveniences that come with it.

For local search results, it is vital for businesses to get listed on the Google search results. So, what is the importance of Google My Business listing?

Why Google My Business listing is important?

Online purchases are on the rise. Customer reviews and Google are the most popular resources that people use these days when making a purchasing decision. What do you do when you want to know something about a product or service? You Google it, don’t you? And, it is not unusual to trust what others have to say about a business. Google My listing is important because it combines the two together which makes it a powerful marketing platform.

The importance of Google My Business is because it helps businesses generate trust, website traffic, sales, and customer engagement.

Before getting down to the reasons for suspension, let us try to find out about the type of suspensions.

Types of suspension

Suspensions are of two different types – soft and hard.

Soft suspension – It happens when you log in to your Google My Business Page and see a “suspended” label which does not allow you to control your listing. You still are listed on Google and Google Maps/ Map Maker. To get over this type of suspension, you need to create a new Google account and re-verify the listing and make sure that you adhere to all the rules in the future.

Hard suspension – It is a more serious type of suspension where your complete listing is deleted from Google along with all your reviews and photos. When you check it up in Google Map Maker, all it says is “removed’. The only thing that you can do is to request Google to reinstate it. However, it is next to impossible to get your listing reinstated because Google removes it only after it decides that listing is not appropriate to be a part of Google Maps.

So, what are the reasons because of which Google suspends your local listing?

Reasons why Google suspends your local listing

Some of the reasons why Google can suspend your local listing are:

  • If your website URL gets forwarded to a different domain – Google has confirmed it publicly that in case your website URL in Google My Business is a vanity URL which gets forwarded to a different domain, then your listing can be suspended. If you don’t follow this guideline, it results in a soft suspension. According to the guidelines, you should not provide phone numbers or URLs that redirect users to landing pages.
  • If you add extra keywords in the business name field – According to the Google guidelines, you should not add needless details to your business names like phone number, marketing taglines, address, product details, location, address, or direction, containment information, store codes, website URLs, special characters, etc. It results in a soft suspension because you are still eligible to be on Google Maps with a different name.
  • If your business is service area related, and you did not hide your address – Google’s service area businesses guidelines state that you can only show your address if customers show up at your address. It results in a hard suspension because the listing is not eligible to show up on Google Maps according to the Map Maker guidelines. It is essential for a business owner of a service-area business to verify its listing because Google My Business allows you to do it, but you can’t do it on Map Maker. What it means is that any non-verified listing which appears on Google Maps for a service-area business can get deleted. And, you stand to lose all your reviews and photos.
  • If you have several verified listings for the same business – Google’s guidelines state that you should not create more than one page for each location of your business (be it a single account or multiple accounts). In most cases, Google suspends both the listings (original as well as the duplicate). It will un-verify the original listing (soft suspension) and delete the duplicate listing (hard suspension).
  • If your business is of a sensitive type or is not permitted on Google Plus – A new and uncommon rule. If your business type (firearms, tobacco, alcohol stores, etc.) is not allowed on Google Plus, it can result in a soft suspension. Google Plus does not allow these business types which can leave your business listing un-verified for Google Maps. The Google Plus guidelines state that regulated goods are only allowed if they set a geographic or age restriction, hence it is still not clear whether Google will reinstate your business or not.
  • If you create a listing at a virtual office or mailbox – According to the Google guidelines, in case your business rents a temporary virtual office at another address (other than your primary business), then you should not create a page for that location unless it is staffed during your normal business hours. Many businesses create multiple listings of virtual offices because they want to be ranked in multiple towns apart from their actual office location. In case Google comes to know of it, it can result in a hard suspension.
  • If you create a listing for an online business without having a physical storefront – The primary eligibility criteria for businesses to get included in the listing is that they must make in-person contact with their customers. And, because online businesses don’t have a physical storefront, Google states that they should create a Google Plus brand page in place of a local page. It means that these businesses cannot rank in the 3-pack on Google Maps. If you don’t follow this guideline, it can result in a hard suspension.
  • If you run a class or service that operates in a building which is not owned by you – Google’s guidelines state that ongoing service, class, or meeting at a location which you don’t own or have the authority to represent are ineligible businesses and cannot be listed on Google Maps. For example, if you run a dance class in the basement of a gym which you don’t own, it cannot be listed on Google Maps.
  • If the industry you are in is cluttered with spam – Despite following all the rules, at times your listing still gets suspended which happens because of the industry you represent. For example, if you have a locksmith business, the listing can get suspended because the spam filter inadvertently takes it down. It results in a hard suspension, and the best you can do is post on the Google My Business forum so that a top contributor can take up your case with Google.

If you want to climb the local search results, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We will do all the spadework for you so that your website can rank high on the local search results.

Why You Should Hire A Good Web Development Noida Company


Digitisation has not just changed the way we do businesses these days; it has also transformed our lives by bringing the marketplace into our homes, and more precisely into our hands. And, everything that you see, shop, or order from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone comes to you because of the presence of various websites that are hosted on the internet. The better your website and your web management strategies, the better are your chances of making a sale. But, it is not all that simple a job. To get an aesthetic website and a great web management plan you need to hire a good web development Noida company.
According to Adobe, 59% of customers globally prefer engaging with a website that is designed beautifully rather than ones that are designed simply. This clearly proves our point that in order to succeed in the digital space you need a website that is beautifully and exquisitely designed.
Also, around the world there are 1.24 billion websites as of August 2017, again endorsing our view that without a proper web management strategy your website would not give you the desired results.

What is web development?

Broadly, web development refers to as the work undertaken to develop websites for hosting on the internet or intranet. The process of web development includes web designing, content development, front-end/ back-end scripting, configuring network security and a few other tasks.
More importantly, web development is the programming of a website that allows it to function as per the requirement of the owner. It primarily pertains to the non-designing processes of a website that comprises of programming and writing markup.
From developing pages that have plain texts and intricate web based applications to electronic business and social network applications, web development caters to all of this and more.

Why you should hire a reputed web development Noida company?

When you want to reach out to a wider audience, internet is the perfect medium. But, your success in the digital space requires a website that is great to look at, and a strategy that can propel your business to new heights. And, in order to get both of them right, you need to hire a web development Noida company.
This is what you stand to gain when you hire a web development Noida company:
A professional web development Noida company devises an effective web strategy for your business – These days what you need is a holistic approach to make your presence felt in the digital world. A professional web development Noida company provides you a scalable and futuristic web development plan, which provides your project the thrust that is required to take your business to the next level.
They aesthetically design your website with perfect coding –Web development is a process that consumes a lot of time. Even if you know a thing or two about website development, you probably would not have enough time to develop it on your own, as there are many pressing matters that need your attention. Whereas, when you hire a reputed web development Noida company, you get the services of experienced and trained web development professionals who are skilled at developing websites. You can get a high quality website, both in terms of aesthetics and programming.
They deploy the use of up-to-date tools – When you hire a professional web developing Noida company you can rest assure that they will use all the current tools that makes your website user-friendly and responsive.
They manage and develop your website content uniquely – With professional web development Noida Company, you can be sure that they will develop and manage your website content in a way, which gives you the best results. You just cannot replace good content with anything. In order to make your online presence successful, you need content that is relevant, concise and to the point. Content writing is an art, and developing and managing quality content requires experience. That is another reason why you need a professional web development company.
They make your website visible – The job of an expert web developing company does not end with just creating a website. You can only succeed on the internet if your website ranks high on the search engine/s. And, a reputed web development Noida company ensures that your website’s search engine optimisation techniques are up-to-date.
They ensure that the safety of your website is never compromised – Security is an integral part of hosting a website. A web development Noida company will make sure that all the security considerations are duly met. With data theft on the rise, it is imperative that proper security measures are in place if you are doing business online.
If you are based in the Delhi NCR region, then get in touch with vStacks Infotech – a web development Noida company, for all your website and web management needs.
With over two decades of web development experience, vStacks Infotech knows what it takes to make your online business a success.
vStacks Infotech has trained, experienced and professional web designers and developers who cannot just make your website look beautiful, but can also help your online business to rock.