Category Archives: Website Designing

What Exactly Is Responsive Web Design and Why Does It Matter?


In the contemporary digital landscape, the rapid proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops has fundamentally transformed how people access and interact with online content. This consumer behaviour shift means websites must adapt and respond seamlessly to these devices’ diverse screen sizes and resolutions. Responsive web design, which is essentially a way to make websites look good and work well on any device, is the key to achieving this.

This blog will discuss responsive web design as a concept and its benefits.

 Understanding Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is not just a theoretical concept but a practical and tangible approach to creating websites that adapt to various devices. For instance, a responsive website might display a set of images in separate rows on a smartphone and in the same row on a desktop. This practical application of responsive web design, achieved through fluid grid layouts, flexible images, and CSS media queries, automatically adjusts the website’s layout per a device’s screen size and orientation. This practical resizing and reformatting of content allows users to navigate and consume the website’s information without needing manual resizing, panning, and scrolling.

 Importance of Responsive Web Design

Enhanced User Experience: Responsive websites can deliver a consistent and user-friendly interface, regardless of whether the device is a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This seamless and intuitive browsing experience fosters higher user engagement and satisfaction. In fact, as per Forbes India, 74% of users come back to a mobile-friendly website. This ultimately increases conversions and customer loyalty.

Improved Search Engine Visibility: With the increased usage of mobile devices, search engines have started prioritizing mobile-friendly websites in their search results. Google now uses mobile-first indexing, primarily a site’s mobile version, for ranking and indexing. This shift in search engine behavior underscores the importance of having a responsive website, as it can significantly drive organic traffic.

Cost-Effectiveness and Maintenance Simplicity: Maintaining a separate mobile version of a website can be both cost-prohibitive and operationally cumbersome. By opting for responsive web design, businesses can streamline their web presence, eliminating the need to manage multiple versions of the same content. This reduces development and maintenance costs, simplifies content management, and ensures consistent branding across all devices.

Future-Proofing Your Website: Given the rapid evolution of devices with different screen sizes and form factors, aresponsive design approach ensures your website remains accessible and visually appealing across upcoming devices. This adaptability helps safeguard your investment in web development and mitigates the need for frequent redesigns or overhauls due to changing device trends, thus future-proofing your website.

Responsive web design as a web development approach is indispensable in today’s multi-device ecosystem. Businesses can unlock many benefits by prioritizing the seamless adaptation of websites to diverse devices, including improved user experience, enhanced search engine visibility, cost-effectiveness, and future-proofing. Embracing responsive web design today is necessary for businesses seeking to thrive digitally, so hiring a professional service provider, such as vStacks Infotech, DigiDir, and Sixsoftmedia, is the need of the hour.


How To Find A Right Website Design Company In India!


How To Find A Right Website Design Company In India!

In today’s digital world, businesses need to have an attractive and easy-to-use website. But with so many web design companies in India, finding the right one may require some time and effort.

From small startups to enterprises, every business needs to carefully select a website design company that aligns with their goals and vision.

With countless agencies promising top-notch services and impressive portfolios, how do you ensure you are choosing the best fit for your business?

However, fear not – this article will guide you on how to find a right website design company in India.

What is a Website Design Company?

A website design company is a business that specialises in creating and designing websites for clients. These companies often have a team of skilled professionals, such as web designers, developers, and project managers, who work together to create customised websites tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client. 

From the initial planning stages to the final launch of the website, a website design company guides clients through every step of the process, ensuring that their vision is brought to life effectively. 

Website design companies offer a variety of services to help businesses create and maintain their websites. These services include website design, development, and maintenance. Website design companies can also provide services such as search engine optimisation (SEO), content creation, and website hosting

Steps on How To Find A Right Website Design Company In India?

Finding the right website design company in India can be overwhelming, but following these steps can help simplify the process:

1. Research

Start by researching the different website design companies in India. Look at their portfolios, customer reviews, and services offered.

2. Define Your Goals

Clearly define what you want to achieve with your website – whether it’s increasing sales, brand awareness, or user engagement.

3. Budget Consideration

Determine your budget for website design and ensure that the company you choose fits within it.

4. Communication

Choose a company that has clear communication channels and is responsive to your queries and feedback.

5. Experience

Look for a company with experience in designing websites in your industry or similar businesses.

6. Customization Options

Ensure that the company offers customisation options tailored to your specific needs and branding.

7. Timelines

Discuss timelines and project milestones with the company to ensure that they can deliver within your desired timeframe.

8. Support & Maintenance

Inquire about post-launch support and maintenance services provided by the company to keep your website running smoothly.


Finding the right website design company in India requires thorough research, clear communication, and a keen understanding of your specific needs and goals. By reviewing portfolios, reading client testimonials, and discussing project details in depth, you can ensure that you choose a company that aligns with your vision. 

How to find a right website design company In India could be a challenge. But, if you are looking to hire a website development company in India, vStacks Infotech is your go-to choice. With over two years in the software development industry, our expertise guarantees top-quality websites tailored to your needs. We offer a comprehensive range of digital solutions, including website design, development, hosting, content marketing, email marketing, social media management, and SEO services.

Web designing service provider


Thanks to growing digitisation and proliferation of Internet-ready mobile devices in every nook and corner of India, now more and more people (read your prospects) are hooked to these devices. So, as a businessman in India, if you still don’t have a mobile-friendly, responsive website, you are probably missing out on revenue big time. And, if you have a modern-day website, and still not able to obtain the desired results then you need to do a rethink on strategies front. And, if any of this is sounding uncomfortable to you, then you need to hire a reliable web designing service provider operating in your vicinity. Brighter side for the businesses that are based out in Noida is that they have the leading web designing service provider in their neighbourhood— vStacks Infotech.

The main purpose of a website is to increase footfall and augment profits. If you do not have a website, or are not getting enough visitors then you need to think of engaging a consistent web designing service provider like vStacks Infotech. vStacks Infotech is a professional web designing service provider which provides 24X7 expert support. We have ample experience to meet all your web design requirements, and show you how to harness the full potential of the Internet. For improved growth and enhanced customer satisfaction contact us today.

What is responsive web design?

RWD (Responsive Web Design) allows your website to fit into the size of your user’s device without changing the URL and content source. Responsive web design should offer a seamless experience to your users on all the devices. It means your website should look the same on all the devices, including tablets and smartphones of the day. RWD uses HTML and CSS to automatically resize a website to make it appear good on all devices.

Earlier developers had to make multiple website to accommodate different screen sizes. But it was often not a feasible option, and so came the RWD. Having a responsive web design, therefore, is not a trend any more— it is a necessity which businesses cannot ignore now.

Why is it important for businesses to opt for RWD?

With a responsive web design, you can increase your reach to your prospects who nowadays mostly carry their mobile devices everywhere they go. Using responsive web design, you offer a seamless experience to your customers which can increase lead generation, boost your sales, and improve your conversions.

Having a responsive web design ensures that analytics, reporting, and tracking can all happen from one place. You also save on time and money in managing the content of your website.

Last but not least, it helps you stay ahead of your competitors. So, now if you stand convinced that you need a makeover for your existing website or need to tweak the strategies that could shape your business online and that you need to hire a professional web design service provider for the job, then you must think on following lines, before selecting a web designing service provider.

Finding the best web designing service provider

Selecting a time-tested web design service provider for making and maintaining your website is a crucial decision to make. You should carefully weigh your options, do some research on your own and then finalise.

It is important to look for a company that is established and has ample experience. You can gauge this from their number of years in operation, clients they work for and the portfolio they carry. A long term approach is always more paying. Hence, a company that is professional, has stable business operation and can take care of your long term needs is what you should look for.

It is your website and you should always have access to its content, whether for an update or edit. There are several content management options available. Make sure the company you hire uses a content management system or CMS software that has easy to use interface. If not on a CMS, editing or adding content would become very expensive. WordPress or Joomla are a few open source platforms.

Support is an important function which you cannot do without and it is better that the terms are spelt out in advance. The company you hire should be able to provide timely, reliable, knowledgeable and cost effective support. Changes on the World Wide Web happen at a lightning fast speed, a professional help therefore is a must. From email to hosting and domain name to using the content management system, you might need their help at every step.

If you have a business and do not have a website yet or if you have one but are not getting the desired results from your website, then you should immediately get in touch with vStacks Infotech. We are a one-stop-shop for guaranteeing you a tremendous online presence!

Do You Need to Get Your Website Redesigned?


Every business these days need to have an online presence. Unless you have an effective online presence, you cannot beat the competition. And one thing that is essential to make your online journey a success is a website. However, it is crucial to understand that a drab and dated website cannot make your online presence effective. What your business need is a modern, engaging, attractive, functional, and visible website. Your website is the face of your organisation, and you need to present the best you can to your customers and prospects to create a good first impression among them.

It is important to understand that a sloppy web design can hurt your business seriously.

You cannot realise your online goals if your website is unimpressive, outdated, difficult to navigate, and unresponsive. If this is your story, then you need to get your website redesigned.

Yes, when done in the right way, a website redesign can change the look and feel of your website. It can give your website the teeth to steer ahead of your competitors in the online landscape.

So, should you opt for a website redesign or not? Let us walk you through why you should consider a redesign, where to get started with a redesign, and why do you need to make your website mobile-friendly.

Why should you consider a redesign?

As a website owner, it is vital to understand why you should consider a redesign.

So, how do you know that your website needs a redesign?

Some of the things that can help you understand that it is time to get your website redesigned are:

If your website design is outdated, it is time to get your website redesigned. Yes, it is extremely difficult to get the desired results if your design is not up to the mark. Hence, if your website design is outdated, you need to redesign your website.

Another important thing to consider is your conversions/ sales. If there is a decrease in your conversion/ sales, you might need to get your website redesigned.

If you receive user experience or design-related complaints, it is time to get your website redesigned.

Another thing to consider is branding. If your website doesn’t fit your larger branding goals, then you need to get your website redesigned. Conversely, if you are rebranding your business, you need to consider redesigning your website.

If your website is facing any one of these issues, you need to consider redesigning your website.

Where to get started with a redesign?

Once it is clear that your website needs a redesign, it is vital to know where to get started with a redesign.

First, it is important to assess your needs – the number of pages you want for your new site, the number of unique pages you want, and what are the functionalities you want. You should also establish your goals so that you know how to realise them.

Next, it is vital to understand user personas. You need to find out who all visit your website and what do they want. Try to understand what they want and what you need to do to improve their experience.

You also need to understand how you are presently getting your visitors. Generally, you would know what works best for you – tradeshows, outbound sales team, or organic traffic from Google. It is important to know how you generate your traffic because it is going to impact your web design.

Also, find out how much time you need to complete the project. Whether you are doing it on your own or have hired a website redesign agency, don’t rush through the process. But one thing you should be careful about is content creation. Make sure that you have the relevant content when you need it.

Another crucial thing is to allocate a budget for the redesigning project. You need to know how much you can spend on the project before you take the plunge.

Yet another thing is to do a bit of research. Find out what your competitors are offering, and how you can improve your website to beat the competition.

Also, if you have to outsource your website redesign project, decide on the website redesign company that can successfully redesign your website, and designate a person who can oversee the project.

However, as a website owner, it is important to understand the process of website redesigning. Here are some of the things that you should keep an eye on at every stage – content stage, design stage, SEO, and development stage.

Content stage

It is vital to consider the sitemap of your website first. The sitemap is a list of all the pages on your website and the way they will relate to one and other. Start by analysing your current sitemap.

Then, an audit is done with the help of Google Analytics to find out how your current visitors are interacting with your website.

Next, a new sitemap is created based on the audit report. The process includes adding new pages, removing the redundant ones, and restructuring the pages that will best suit your website.

After this, you need to think about the content. You can pull out all the existing content from the website and place it in a central repository like Google Docs.

Next, work on the images. Collect all the stock photos you need for the project and keep them in a safe place like Google Drive.

Design stage

If you are getting confused about what to do first – the design or the content – you need to understand that you should work on both of them together.

Work on Homepage design first. When you settle your home design, it means you know what you need to do in all the other pages of the website in terms of fonts, colour, and the general design language.

Use design mockups to see how your website would look like in reality. If the agency you are hiring doesn’t show you the mock-up and presents to you the final design straight away, then you need to raise your eyebrow. It means the agency is working on an existing design template.

You can also use a wireframe to get an idea about how your website would look. While mockups are the exact replicas of the websites, a wireframe is a minimal outline of the website.

It is also important to select fonts carefully. Fonts have a huge impact on your web design because the majority portion of your website has a written text. It is advisable not to select more than two fonts for your website redesign project.

You also need to select the colour scheme very carefully. Make sure you don’t opt for more than two to three primary colours and two to three accent colours. Generally, contrast colours do well on websites.

You also need to select the images with caution. Make sure that they add to what you are trying to say.

You also need to know something about page templates. Not all your website pages can be unique. Many of your website pages would follow the same structure and layout, and these are page templates. You need to know that the more you try to create unique pages, the more you will have to pay, and the more time it will take to complete the project.


Also, when you get your website redesigned, you have to keep in mind the SEO factor. You should first assess your current website’s SEO status. It is always advisable to outsource your website redesigning project to a company that can factor in SEO.

Look for your top pages that are ranking well so that you can focus on them while redesigning your website.

You should retain as much of your URL structure as you can, and then use 301 redirects for different URLs.

Don’t play around with pages that are already ranking well on search engines like Google. What it means is this – you should not change the content, title description, and meta tag of pages that are ranking well on search engines. The bottom line is you don’t need to change anything if your page is ranking well on search engines.

Development stage

It is in the development stage that your website moves from the picture stage to a coded website on the internet.

The developer codes the website and then uploads it to a test URL.

Next, the website is integrated into a CMS after the front-end part of the development is complete. It is an important process because it helps you to edit and update your website.

Mobile design is an important aspect, and it is done in the development stage. Make sure that you use the mobile-first design so that your website displays properly on all the devices.

Also, ensure that you don’t bypass the quality assurance process. It is important to test the website again and again.

Another important aspect is training. You need to ensure that you know how to edit and update your website. That is why it is essential to get proper training. A reputed website redesign services company will train you adequately to do all of this and more.

Why should my site be mobile friendly?

As a website owner, you also need to know that it is extremely vital to have a mobile-friendly website. You should not expect to do well in the online arena if your site is not mobile-friendly.

Most of the people these days communicate and search for information on their smartphones. Today there are more smartphones than personal computers. Most of us access the net on our mobile devices. Hence, if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, it is extremely difficult to do well in the online landscape.

If your site is not mobile-friendly, it will be difficult for your users to access it on their mobile devices. Mobile-unfriendly sites are difficult to read – your users will have to pinch and zoom in to read the content. Mobile-unfriendly sites offer poor user experience, and users don’t think twice before abandoning such sites. On the other, mobile-friendly sites offer excellent user experience because users don’t have any problem in reading and navigating these sites.

Mobile is crucial to the success of your business. Whether you sell products online or blog, it is vital to offer the best user experience. And, you can do it only when you take into account your mobile users. That is why making your site mobile-friendly is so crucial for your online success.

If you are looking for a website redesign services company, you can get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We have been in the web design business for a long time to know what works best for clients in most of the verticals.

Single Page Websites – Do They Work?


Regardless of where you operate, you need to have an effective online presence these days to do well in the world of business. To have an effective online presence, you need to have a website in place. Websites can be single-page websites or multi-page websites. Your business operations determine whether you need a single-page website or you require a multi-page website.

But do single page websites work?

Will it serve your purpose?

To find out whether they work or not, you need to understand a few things about website design. It will help you to make an informed decision. Let us, therefore, take you through the pros of a single-page website, content requirements, and pros of a multi-page website.

Pros of a single-page website

Of course, single page websites have some distinct advantages. Here are some of the pros of a single-page website:

Single-page websites create a better user engagement – If you have a single-page website, it can deliver your messages and call to action to your users quickly. When users have to engage with only one page, it becomes easier for them to interact with the call to action that is present on your website. Your users don’t have to search for contact forms or buttons linking to your social media, as everything is there on one single page. Also, with attention spans taking a substantial dip, your chances of increasing user engagement increase because they have to surf only a single page.

Single page websites are easy to navigate – When we talk about website design, navigation is an important aspect that needs your consideration. And, since one-page websites are simple, they are much easier to navigate. People tend to leave websites that are difficult to navigate. Your users don’t get lost as they can on a complex multi-page website. It becomes easier for your users to get what they want on a single-page website. A single-page website usually has a menu bar on the top, which makes it easier for the users to reach where they want to go. Easy navigation means, your users have a better user experience.

A single-page website is more mobile-friendly – These days, your SEO efforts can go for a toss if you don’t have a responsive website design. When there is only one page to view, it generally offers a better user experience, even if you have to scroll the page. For example, viewing a single-page website is like viewing any of the social media platforms on your phone. Hopping from one page to another on your mobile phone can be cumbersome at times.

A single-page website can be more visually appealing – Since images work well on a single-page website, you can make your website more visually appealing. With all your content on one single page, you have a better chance of adding numerous high-quality photos on it. Adding high-quality photos to your site not just makes it visually appealing, but it is also good for your SEO efforts.

A single-page website is more affordable to build and easy to maintain – It is not just more affordable to build and maintain a single-page website, but it is also less time-consuming. Creating a one-page website is more affordable, and you always have the option of expanding it as and when the need arises. Likewise, it is much easier to maintain a single-page website. Whether you have to fix, add, delete, or remove something, it is easy to do it if you have a single-page website because everything is there on one page.

A single-page website offers a better conversion rate – Single page websites offer better conversion rates because your entire traffic goes to one single place

Lack of content

You need high-quality and relevant content to make a mark in the online arena. After all, content is king. Lack of content on any website, be it a single-page website or a multi-page website, can frustrate your visitors. It is generally difficult to find relevant and specific content on a single-page website because there is not much space to create content for different topics. On a single-page website, it is not easy to explain topics in-depth due to a lack of space. And, if your visitors are looking for specific information, and it is not available on your website, it is bad for your SEO efforts

Another thing that you need to think about is the metadata of a single-page website. There is only one set of metadata in a single-page website, which means you only have one title tag and description. When there are no other pages on the website, you only have the option of a single title tag. It can limit your chances of attracting visitors to your website because you only get one shot to lure them. It also means that you can have only a limited amount of specialised content to display.

On the other hand, a multi-page website can have metadata for various pages it contains, which means you can increase the specialised content for your users.

Pros of a multi-page website

As mentioned earlier, your business needs should determine whether you need a single-page website or a multi-page website. Here are the main pros of a multi-page website:

Scalability – A multi-page website design gives you unlimited scalability options. You can create as many pages as you want and expand and improve the navigation system to suit your visitor’s needs. It means you have endless navigation options to explore and choose. The depth of your website would determine the type of navigation design you choose.

Easy to navigate – A multi-page website has an easy-to-follow navigation flow. Multi-page websites have been around for quite some time now, and most people are familiar with these website designs, so it is not a big deal for them to navigate such sites. Also, most visitors expect to find multiple pages on websites. Till the time the navigation flow of your website is easy to follow – you should not have any problem with a multi-page design.

Boosts your SEO efforts – If you have several pages on your website, it can surely boost your SEO efforts. With no bar on the number of pages, you can add as many relevant and specific content pages to your website as you want. Though how you fare on search engines will depend on your overall digital marketing strategy, having relevant content on your website is a good start. When you have high-quality and relevant content on your website, it is bound to improve your SEO efforts.

Whether you want a single-page website, or you are looking for a multi-page website, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. We have been in the business of website designing for long, and we know what it takes to design a good, feature-rich, and functional website.

What Is Responsive Web Design & Why Is It Essential For Your Business?


It is difficult for businesses to survive and do well these days without a website. But not everyone out there on the internet with a website is doing brisk business. To succeed in the online circuit, you need to make sure that your website has an attractive layout, it has a user-friendly interface, and most importantly, it should have a responsive web design.

It is true that if you want to succeed in the online landscape, you need to have a responsive web design. Responsive web design is essential for your website not only because it offers a better user experience, but it also improves your search engine rankings.

In 2015, Google altered its search engine algorithms to take into account a website’s mobile presence for ranking purposes. What it means is simply this – you need to develop websites that are user-friendly on mobile devices, especially on smartphones. Your users should be able to read the text on mobile devices without zooming it, the design should have adequate space for tap targets, and users should be able to read the text without horizontal scrolling.

So, why is it essential to make your website responsive?

As the number of mobile users increases worldwide, businesses cannot afford to have a web design that is not responsive. Smartphone users worldwide crossed
2 billion in 2016, and according to estimates, in 2018 they will surpass 2.56 billion. Also, mobile searches have seen a steady rise in comparison to the desktop searches which has consistently seen a dip over the years.

What it means for businesses is that you cannot and should not ignore your mobile users. Hence, if your website is not optimised for mobile devices, it can experience a dip in your search engine rankings. And, it is not a cost-effective solution to have different solutions for different devices, so you need to make sure that your website design is responsive.

What is responsive web design?

RWD or responsive web design allows your website to fit into the size of your user’s device without changing the URL and content source. Responsive web design should offer a seamless experience to your users on all the devices. It means your website should look the same on all the devices, namely a desktop/ laptop, tablet, and mobile phones.

Responsive web design uses HTML and CSS to automatically resize a website to make it appear good on all devices, be it a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Earlier developers had to make more than one website to accommodate different screen sizes. But as mentioned above, it is not a feasible option to have different websites for different devices. Having a responsive web design, therefore, is not a trend anymore, it is a necessity which businesses cannot ignore now.

Why is it important for businesses to opt for responsive web design?

With a responsive web design, you can increase your reach to your prospects who use mobile devices. Also, with responsive web design, you offer a seamless experience to your customers which can increase lead generation, boost your sales, and improve your conversions.

Having a responsive web design ensures that analytics, reporting, and tracking can all happen from one place. You also save on time and money in managing the content of your website.

Last but not least, it helps you stay ahead of your competitors.

Benefits of using a responsive website

With Google dominating the search market, there is no way you can ignore it. And, according to Google, smartphone-optimised sites should have a responsive web design.

Opting for a responsive website offers several benefits, here are some of them:

Responsive web design increases your traffic – Mobile users form a formidable chunk of your prospective customers, and you cannot afford to ignore them. Also, it is not a viable option to maintain two websites – one for your desktop users and the other for mobile users. Hence, the best practice is to opt for a responsive website which works well for all the devices. When you opt for responsive web design, you do not need to worry about losing out on your mobile users. This also keeps you abreast with competition.

Responsive web design is cost-effective and low on maintenance – Maintaining two websites (one for desktop and the other for mobile) is not just more time consuming, but it is also a costly option. But when you opt for responsive web design, it turns out to be a cost-efficient option in the long run. Though responsive web design would cost you more initially, it is easy to maintain, and it is also more cost-effective. Moreover, setting up two websites is a more time-consuming option in comparison to creating one that is responsive in design. With only one site to maintain, you can have more time to focus on other areas which need your attention.

It offers a seamless user experience – If you cannot offer a seamless experience to your customers, it is difficult for you to survive in the business world these days. If your website is not responsive, it can distort the appearance of your site on mobile devices which can put off your customers. Nobody likes to do business on a site where the images do not align properly, texts are jumbled, and you have to search endlessly for one single information. And, when it becomes difficult for your users to navigate the site, they might leave you for good. It is, therefore, important to offer a seamless user experience to your prospects. That is why you should have a responsive web design.

Responsive web design adapts easily to all screen sizes – With a responsive web design in place, you do not have to worry about the competition. You can remain ahead of your competition because you can cater to all your clients. When your website adapts easily to all screen sizes, you will not lose out on customers who use smart devices like smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, other IoT devices, etc. When you have a responsive web design, your website can adjust to every screen with perfection.

Most importantly, it improves your SEO efforts – A website with responsive design is likely to rank higher on the SERP. After the Google algorithm update, if your website is responsive in design, it increases your visibility on the search engine because it is mobile-friendly. If your website offers a seamless mobile experience, it is bound to fare well in search results in comparison to the one that is unresponsive. The more seamless the user experience you offer to your customers, the more are the chances of improving your SEO efforts. And, the more you rank high on the internet, the better are your prospects of generating leads, increasing your conversions, and boosting your sales.

For making responsive website design, you should get in touch with vStacks Infotech now. vStacks Infotech is a digital marketing company, and we have the necessary experience and expertise in designing responsive web designs for businesses in all the verticals.

How To Choose The Best Website Colour Scheme?


What we see has more impact on us than things we read or hear. Humans follow the visual stimuli in most of the things they do. The same is true when it comes to shopping and buying on the internet. Hence, it is important for businesses who have an online presence to create and design a website that attracts people. And, if you have a website that is boring and unattractive, it can put off your visitors permanently. But it is not all that easy to design a website that ticks with the masses. And, what can make or break your journey in the online arena is the website colour scheme. You have to be right on all the counts when it comes to website colour scheme.

Therefore, people who do not pay attention to the colour scheme of their website should not expect to do well on the online circuit.

Most of the buyers (85%) base their product buying decision on colour. Though the statistic is surprising, but it is none the less true.

If you think of some of the world’s most popular brands, you will notice that each one of them has a distinct colour scheme. Be it McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, or Dell, each of them is the leader in their vertical, and all have a distinct colour scheme.

Creating a brand….

If you are in the world of business, you must be aware that creating a strong brand identity is essential for the success of your organisation. A strong brand identity generates trust, comfort, and develops a long-lasting relationship with customers.

And, one thing that is central to any brand that has created a name for itself is its logo.

So, if you want to have a lasting effect on the minds and hearts of your consumers, you need to select the colour scheme of your logo carefully.

After all, colour is said to increase brand recognition by as much as 80%.

This proves our point beyond doubt that colour scheme is vitally important for creating a successful brand. It is not in the interest of the successful brands to play with their colour scheme. Hence, you would seldom see a change in the colour scheme of brands that are successful.

Website colour scheme – how to choose the best for your business?

When you start your business, you do a lot of brainstorming to select the right colour for your brand logo. Similarly, it is crucial for businesses to choose the right colour scheme for their websites. It is not advisable to select the colour scheme of your website randomly or follow your gut feeling.

If you want your website to look aesthetic, you should do a lot of deliberation when it comes to picking up the right colour scheme.

Within 90 seconds of initial viewing, people form an opinion about a product or an environment. And, 62 to 90% of that assessment is directly based on the colour.

It is therefore vital for you to select the right colour scheme for your website, one that suits your demographic.

Follow these simple tips to select the best colour scheme for your website:

Colours have an emotional connect with humans, try to understand it – Before deciding on the colour scheme for your website, it is important that you try to understand the human connection with colours.

Try and understand the psychology of colours. Every colour conveys a message.

For example, the colour green represents nature, health, wealth, and tranquillity. Green colour has relaxing effects and is the easiest colour for the eyes to process. It is the second most preferred colour by men and women. Leading brands using colour green – Tropicana, BP, Animal Planet, etc.

The colour yellow is associated with youthfulness, cheerfulness, and optimism. The yellow colour is mostly used to grab the attention of the audience. Leading brands using colour yellow – McDonald’s, Hertz, National Geographic, etc.

The colour orange represents enthusiasm, creativity, and friendliness. The orange colour prompts people to act – for example, buy and subscribe. It attracts impulse buyers. The leading brands using colour orange – Amazon, Crush, Payless, etc.

The colour red represents energy, passion, danger, urgency, vibrancy, and excitement. The colour red is mostly used to create urgency to buy. It triggers strong emotional reactions. You can see most of the restaurants using the colour red to stimulate appetite. Leading brands using colour red – Heinz, Coca-Cola, Red Robin, etc.

The colour pink is associated with sweetness, feminism, romance, fertility, and innocence. The colour pink is mostly used to market products and services that are used by women and young girls. Leading brands using colour pink – Barbie, Lyft, Pink Victoria’s Secret, etc.

The colour purple represents wisdom, royalty, success, and wealth. The colour is mostly used in beauty and aging products. It has a soothing effect on people. Leading brands using colour purple – Qatar Airways, THAI, Cadbury, etc.

The colour blue represents security, calmness, trust, peace, and stability. The colour blue is mostly used in banks and businesses to create a sense of security and trust among customers. It is the most preferred colour by both men and women. Leading brands using colour blue – Dell, GE, American Express, etc.

The colour grey represents simplicity, neutrality, calmness, and logic. The colour grey lacks emotion and is associated with precision, technology, control, industry, competence, and sophistication. Leading brands using colour grey – Mercedes, Bosch, Tesla, etc.

The colour black represents luxury, power, elegance, and sophistication. The colour black is mostly used to market luxury brands which evoke a sense of professionalism, precision, and strength. Leading brands using colour black – L’Oréal, Chanel, Rolls Royce, etc.

Hence, depending on the type and sector of your website, you should choose the colour scheme for your website. Also, very carefully you need to select the colour for the CTA button. You also have to understand that the effect of colours may vary on the place of your geographical location. For example, colours that attract Americans might not appeal in the same way to the Britishers.

Check out your demographic audience – This again is an important consideration. Try to figure out your target audience and then select the colour scheme of your website. Based on the emotions that colours evoke (as mentioned earlier), you need to choose the primary colour for your website. For example, if you are in the food business, you can consider making red as your primary colour.

Find out gender preferences – Depending on the business you are into; gender preferences can also play a significant role in selecting the colour scheme for your website. If you are specifically catering to a particular gender, try to pick up a colour that connects with your audience. You should know which colours attract men and women and those that they don’t like. Each gender has a clear colour preference. For example, the favourite colour for men is blue, and they generally don’t like brown and purple. Similarly, women’s favourite colour is also blue, and they don’t like brown and orange. Hence, it is important that you keep gender colour preferences in mind before finalizing the colour scheme of your website.

You also need to consider the age group of your audience – Just as colour preferences are different for men and women, it is different for people in different age brackets. Younger people like bold colours like yellow and red, while older people prefer sober colours like purple and white. Blue, green, and purple are liked by people in almost all the age brackets. As people age, their preference for green decreases, and they start liking purple. Hence, depending on the age group that dominates your demographic, you should select the colour scheme for your website.

Don’t be biased – It is not about what you like; it is about what others prefer. Hence, you should select a colour scheme that is based on psychology and not on your gut feeling. If you select your favourite colour as the primary colour, it might not give you the desired results. For example, if you like the colour green, you might want to select green as your primary colour for your restaurant business (which is not what colour psychology recommends). So, it should not be according to your likes and dislikes. Base your decision on psychology and not on your preferences.

Decide on the number of colours you want to use – After selecting the primary colour, you need to decide on the number of colours you want to use. Using too many colours can spoil the fun and can complicate things for your website. Usually, businesses opt for three colours in the following ratio – 60-30-10, where dominant colour takes up 60% of the space, secondary colour accounts for 30%, and accent colour takes up 10%. It is therefore best to follow a combination of three colours in the ratio mentioned here.

Now, select the colours you want to use – Choose the set of colours you want for your website. Do keep in mind that contrast generally works fine when it comes to websites. A background that is light in colour with contrast foregrounds can be an ideal combination for a website. The combination is soothing for the eyes of your customers and has an aesthetic appeal as well. However, websites with a dark background and light foreground can also look great. But, in such cases, you should select the colours carefully.

Take the help of the colour wheel – When it comes to selecting the colour scheme of your website, taking the help of the colour wheel is always a good idea. You can choose analogous colours that are pretty much the same and lie next to each other on the colour wheel. Alternatively, you can select complimentary colours that are bang opposite each other on the colour wheel.

Take the help of tools – The internet pretty much teaches you everything. Take the help of the tools that are available on the internet to select the best colour scheme for your website. It can make your job easy and save you time. You can take the help of Colormind, Colour Spire, colour explorer, or any other.

Study your competition – Your competitors can teach you a lot. Do a detailed study (check out at least three) to find what works best in your industry (colour scheme). You can choose a colour scheme that is similar to those of some of the popular websites, or you can pick up a combination that is just the opposite.

Work on two-three colour schemes then compare – Don’t finalize the first colour scheme that comes to your mind. Check out at least two to three colour schemes, and then finalize one for your website. Work out your options and show them to your friends and colleagues. See their reactions before finalizing the colour scheme of your website.

If you still have any problem, you can get in touch with vStacks Infotech and get new ideas for the colour scheme of your website.

vStacks Infotech has been in the business of website designing for long, and we know what it takes to design an attractive website.

How To Make Your Website User Friendly


Businesses exists because of the customers, and not the other way round.
Why do retail outlets invest significant amount on the upkeep of their stores – have plush interiors, comfortable seating arrangement and well-mannered men and women to talk to? All because they know the importance of their customers. No wonder they constantly strive to improve and enhance their experience.
And, as the same customer moves to the virtual world he or she expects the same here as well. Of course you don’t want to create the “negative” first impression. To provide a good customer experience the first step an online business needs to take is set up a user friendly website.
Website is the face of your organization, an interface that can either make or break an association. Thanks to the internet, designing a website these days is not a big deal anymore. But, getting a design which enhances user experience is still an art that very few have mastered. And, this enhanced user experience starts when you offer your customers a website which is easy to use.

Why do you need a user friendly website?

With more than one billion websites it is survival of the fittest on the World Wide Web today. You constantly have to outsmart your competitors or else nobody would take note of your website. It could well be the beginning of the end of your online journey if your customers are not able to navigate through your website comfortably.
A website is said to be user friendly if your customers find it easy to access and are able to manoeuvre through it with ease. A user friendly website helps in increasing the number of visitors coming to your site, which also improves your search engine rankings. And, more the footfall greater would be the chances of revenue generation for your organisation.
Just creating an attractive website is not sufficient to increase the number of visitors, usability is of prime importance as well. If your website is found wanting in the usability quotient it does not take long for an individual to move from your site to that of your competitor. Hence, if you want your customers to return, make sure your site is user friendly.

How to make your website user friendly

It is the customer who comes visiting your site – you have to make things easier for him. Smart website designers would tell you to put yourself in your customer’s shoes – think what they want and not how you would like it to be. Your site is there to solve the problems of your customers, it is not there to complicate things further. The more you are able to help your customers chances of doing business with them becomes greater.
This is how you can make your website user friendly:

  1. Intuitive Navigation – The general rule of the thumb in case of making your website user friendly is to keep things simple. It should not be a tough task for your customers to find what they are looking for on your website, hence make it easy to navigate. A menu and/ or drop down menu with all the relevant information on how to navigate your site is always a good idea. And, most importantly do not complicate the menu.
    Always add a search bar on your website. This simplifies the search of your customers and saves their time. Also, introduce pictures wherever you can so that those who are not aware of the name of the product do not leave your site.
    Another important factor is making your website accessible on all platforms. From desktops and laptops to smartphones and tablets, it should be accessible on all of them. Also, try and make sure that your website looks the same on all the platforms, which help your customers in locating their favourite products with ease.
  2. Crisp and informative content – People engage with a website primarily because of the content you offer. Pay special care to the content of your website, make it informative, target your audience appropriately and keep it simple. Also, make it interesting so that it can capture the attention of your audience.
    Content layout is also an important aspect you should invest your time in – mix up your written text with photos and videos wherever you can.
    Do a bit of research and come up with targeted content, which is a great way to engage with your audience.
  3. Responsive design – Most of the times a simple colour scheme should work fine for your website, though a few would suggest a bolder design. When you are promoting your best product a simple colour scheme is more appropriate. But, if there is more than one product to promote, you can go in for a bolder design.
    There should be a symmetry when it comes to selecting colours – the entire website needs to look unified.
    Just as a cramped room makes you feel claustrophobic, a crowded website can put your audience off. Make sure the layout of your website is clean and the information is evenly spread out. You can try the F – design, which is known to have given successful results.
  4. Contact Information – Adding contact information on your website increases your credibility. People get suspicious if the contact information is not there on the website. Giving your customers a concrete address and telephone number further enhances their confidence. Including an email address is also desirable. You can provide all this information on the bottom of the page.
  5. Increase the loading time – People generally are short of patience these days. If your website takes a lot of time to load your prospective customers can desert you. You have to look for a web hosting company that provides ample bandwidth so that your site loads faster.

If you are planning to get your website designed from professionals, which you should – a web designing company in Noida can help you get a user friendly site. Contact vStacks Infotech with your idea and see your dream translate into a reality.
From website designing to hosting and fast load times, vStacks Infotech – a web designing company in Noida can propel your online journey with a thrust.